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News in Brief: Unrest and Police Brutality Continues in Arab World, and More ...

Mike Ludwig, truthout | News in Brief

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Protests and violence continue in several countries in the Middle East and North Africa. At least five people were killed in Bahraini capital of Manama after riot police stormed a protest camp, according to The Guardian UK. Troops and armored trucks took control of the city yesterday, and at least 231 people have been injured, according to Reuters. At least 14 people have been killed in clashes between protesters and police in Libya, and violence also erupted in Yemen. Check out The Guardian UK online for live coverage and updates on the growing unrest in countries where people are fighting for freedom.

Iraq Protests Turn Violent

Unrest and protests continued to spread through several cities in Iraq on Thursday, The New York Times reports. Protests in Kurdish areas were reported to be the most violent, and police and security forces report that several militant and rock-throwing protesters have been killed after attacking government offices. Protesters are demanding the resignation of unpopular politicians and better government services.

Oaxacan Resistance Faces Police Brutality - Again

A local teachers union reported that 20 protesters were injured during clashes with police in the southern Mexican city of Oaxaca yesterday, according to The Canadian Press. The protesters were demonstrating against an event hosting President Felipe Calderon. Police reported that five law officers were injured in the clashes, which saw police firing tear gas on protesters. The violence was reminiscent of the uprising the paralyzed Oaxaca in 2006, when a demonstration organized by the same teachers union turned into a city-wide revolt against the police state.

BP Complains About Compensation Fund for Oil Disaster Victims

Victims of the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico have complained for months about red tape involved in filing claims with the $20 billion compensation fund managed by Kenneth Feinberg, but now BP itself is complaining that Feinberg's proposed settlements are too generous, according to The New York Times. In a strongly worded letter, BP argued that Feinberg overestimated potential future losses as part of the payout plan for oil disaster victims. Feinberg, who was appointed by BP and approved by the Obama administration, has given out about $3.5 billion in emergency relief to victims of BP's massive oil spill that decimated the Gulf of Mexico last summer.

Baghdad Wants US to Pay for Damages

The City of Baghdad wants the US to apologize and pay $1 billion for damaging the city's infrastructure and aesthetics during the US occupation, according to Reuters. In a statement, city officials complained about the intricate blast walls constructed by the Americans and damage wrought by US Humvees, but they did not bring up damage caused by the US bombing campaign in the earlier part of the invasion. "The U.S. forces changed this beautiful city to a camp in an ugly and destructive way, which reflected deliberate ignorance and carelessness about the simplest forms of public taste," the statement said.

Feb. 17, 2011