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Are Democrats trying to lose?

Arshad Hasan, Executive Director Democracy for America

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Yesterday I was so excited that House Democrats blocked the extension of the Patriot Act, but now Senate Democrats are working day and night to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on Social Security.

Just weeks after President Obama declared that cuts to Social Security were off the table, the Wall Street Journal reports that Democratic Senators Dick Durbin and Kent Conrad are working with Republicans to resurrect the right-wing Deficit Commission's proposals to cut Social Security and give huge new tax breaks to big corporations and the super rich.

This is ridiculous. Social Security is the backbone of the American middle class. It provides millions of seniors and disabled Americans the money they need to eat and pay rent in their greatest time of need. We must keep Social Security safe, stable and secure for them right now and for generations to come.

But it seems like some leaders just don't get it, so we're taking our campaign to the next level -- television ads, polling, in-district rallies and events -- whatever it takes to share the stories of DFA members and other Americans across the country who depend on Social Security.

We're going to make sure that every American knows who is attacking Social Security and how to stop them, but we can't make that happen without your support. Please contribute $10 right now to help make it happen.

Please contribute $10 right now so that every American knows who's leading the attack on the American middle class.

Right-wing Republicans in the House have made gutting Social Security and destroying the middle class their top priority -- and some Senate Democrats are saying "We have your back."

We're not going to let that happen. That's why we're building a huge national campaign to beat back this right-wing attack on the promise of Social Security to future generations.

Democracy for America depends on small contributions from its members across the country to get the job done. Please contribute today to fuel our aggressive campaign to win and keep Social Security safe, stable and secure.

Please contribute $10 now.

America is a community and we look out for one another. I know I can count on you.


Arshad Hasan, Executive Director

Democracy for America

Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission.

Feb. 10, 2011