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Geithner demands more debt: .Congress will act as it always had'

From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, President, Grassfire Nation

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But isn't that the problem? Haven't we had enough of Congress "acting as it always had"?

+ + Tell Congress where YOU stand on raising the debt ceiling

Grassfire Nation wants citizens like you to have a direct voice in this debate. That is why we are making it possible for you to express your voice directly to Congress on this crucial issue:

            Where do YOU stand on raising the debt ceiling?

            What do YOU think of promises from politicians

            to cut future spending?

            Would YOU support a Balanced Budget Amendment

            to the U.S. Constitution?

Go here to complete your survey right now:

The results from this survey will be hand-delivered to Speaker Boehner so he and his staff can see what citizens like you  are saying on this crucial issue. You will also have an  opportunity to get your results directly to your Congressmen.


Go here now and let your voice be heard on whether Congress should raise the debt ceiling:

Thank you for taking a stand!


P.S. People like Geithner are the PROBLEM. They cynically call any effort to stop runaway government spending "political theatre" and promise the world that Congress will just dowhat it always has done. I think your voice to your

congressman is more important than some out-of-touch Obama

 appointee. Go here:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a  million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.   Action, Inc.

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