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Army deploys more tanks in Cairo

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Reports say Egyptian armed forces have stationed a large column of tanks and mechanized infantry vehicles in and around Cairo's Liberation Square.

It comes as thousands of protesters are camping outside the parliament as part of their campaign to topple President Hosni Mubarak.

Pro-democracy protesters have also attempted to block the parliament building.

Opposition parties plan a massive march towards the Presidential Palace on Friday.

Egyptian anti-Mubarak protesters camp out next to Army tanks and armored vehicles near Liberation Square in Cairo, Egypt, Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2011.

Egyptian opposition leaders say the revolution will expand and Mubarak's regime has to go.

Opposition leader Ayman Nour has told press TV that the Egyptian revolution will go on until it topples Mubarak and his associates.

Tensions are running high across the country as protests continue for the 16th straight day.

Hundreds of people have been killed or wounded in two days of clashes between police and demonstrators in the southern Kharga city.

Reports also say hundreds of plain clothes police and vigilantes have stepped up their crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in various parts of Egypt.

Vigilantes loyal to Mubarak were targeting pro-democracy rallies, especially in remote areas, where human rights organizations are not active, Press TV correspondent in Cairo reported on Wednesday.

The violent crackdown on anti-Mubarak protests has claimed the lives of more than 300 people since protests began 16 days ago.


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Feb. 9, 2011