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The revolution is dead. Mubarak Obama Won.

Max Keiser

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  • Egypt Protests: Government Agrees To Major Demands In Talks On Sunday
  • Comment left by ‘Black Swan’ on BusinessInsider website:

    black swan on Feb 6, 9:38 AM said:

    It sounds like Mubarak believes he has won. Mubarak does have all the advantages. He has between $40 and $70 billion in personal wealth. He has control of the police, and, being a military man himself, has control of the US defense contractor- armed Egyptian military. While that large group of Egyptian people are out demonstrating, scrounging for food and growing poorer, Mubarak is being waited on hand and foot. Other than for the assault on his ego, he is really quite comfortable. At this point in his life, it is not inconceivable that Mubarak believes that he can’t lose, and, at 83 years of age, he may have the will of a suicide bomber who believes in his own immortality.

    It won’t take long for even those people, who have been sympathetic to the protesters, to have grown tired of the of the way the protesters are disrupting the average Egyptian’s daily life. The majority of Egyptians are probably now more concerned with their daily survival than they are with the importance of ridding the country of a tyrant. Once Mubarak’s reptilian brain senses the winds of public opinion shifting against the protesters, and senses the protesters’ doubts, their inner divisions and their growing weaknesses, he can send in the military and the police to take back the cities. Once Cairo is cleared out, with or without violence, the protesters in the other cities will most likely leave on their own accord.

    Mubarak could come out of all this feeling more invincible than ever. We’ve seen this time and time again. When the Wall Street banks crashed in 2008, the players responsible for that crash came out wealthier and more powerful than ever. The average American never considered that the banksters owned the Presidency, the Congress and the military. It has been the American people who have suffered, and suffering will also be the fate for those Egyptians who dared to protest against their nation’s brutal kleptocracy.

    It’s as if much of the world is degenerating into a state similar to that of 1861 post-feudal Russia. There is a more finite elite ruling class, serviced by an ever metastasizing, powerful Government class, with both groups working in concert to extract all possible wealth from the working class.

    As Baron Rothschild once said, ” “The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.” Perhaps it is time to buy the Egyptian pound.