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Don't allow Congress to forget about FCC power-grab

Grassfire Nation Update

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Just weeks ago, the Federal Communications Commissionbypassed government regulations and seized control of the Internet -- delivering what many believe is a knockout  blow to one of the last, great free-market frontiers our  nation and the world has ever seen.

Earlier this week, communications giant Verizon was the first to file suit against the FCC, challenging their 'Net Neutrality ruling and alleging that the FCC has overstepped its bounds.

Regardless of the legal challenges, right now the  FCC has license to regulate the Internet and is already threatening to stifle the $30 billion annually that  investors pour into Internet development and advancement and hundreds of thousands of jobs.

But as bad as that all sounds, the Heritage Foundation  suggests that's just the tip of the iceberg as the FCC would inevitably be drawn into debates regarding Web content!

Radically increased government control, a loss of free-market investment opportunities, monumental job loss, and a further  eroding of Free Speech rights, could be in store for Americans if citizens don't make this a key issue on Capitol Hill.

+ +  50,000 Petitions Needed in Two Weeks

Grassfire Nation has learned that new Republican leadership opposes the FCC takeover, and supports the actions of Verizon. In fact, House Commerce chairman, Fred Upton has said the FCC's takeover of the Internet is "needless and harmful."

Because most of the major news outlets are either ignoring the 'Net Neutrality regulations, or are tip-toeing around what it really means, one thing is certain .....too much is at stake for Americans not to be involved and vocal on this issue.

That's why Grassfire Nation launched our national petition  opposing the FCC's new 'Net Neutrality regulations, and are demanding a full investigation into the FCC's actions.

Through the petition, grassroots citizens have a platform  from which they can express concern and outrage over the  FCC's statist power-grab -- keeping the issue on radar- screens throughout Capitol Hill.

But more grassroots support is needed!

Since you've already signed this important petition, we are  asking you to help us spread the word and rally critically needed grassroots support.

Forward this message to 25-30 friends and family who are  concerned about our economy, who care about our Free Speech Rights, and urge them to click below and sign this petition.

Click here to add your name now:

Over the next two weeks Grassfire Nation hopes to amass at least 100,000 petitions from citizens who are outraged by the FCC's actions and who are demanding an immediate  investigation by Congress.

We can't allow such an important issue to slip away. That's why we want to move quickly to get 100,000 petitions into  the hands of concerned lawmakers within the next two weeks!

Don't delay.

Forward this message today urging friends and family to

stand with you against the FCC's unauthorized seizing of

the Internet by clicking here now:

Thank you for your outstanding efforts.

Grassfire Nation

P.S. 100,000 petitions will grab the attention of lawmakers. That's why we need to move quickly before their attention  wanes on the FCC's unconstitutional power-grab. Again,  forward this message today and have your friends click below to be included in our upcoming petition delivery:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a  million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.    Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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