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As ObamaCare Crumbles: Liberal Media Spin Faster and Faster

David Martin, The Media Research Center

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From the Desk of: David Martin, Executive Vice President



Patrick H.,

In the past few months ObamaCare has taken some lumps - from a major part of it being struck down by a Federal Judge, to Medicare's actuary admitting that it would not lower costs nor allow people to keep their health care, to the House of Representatives voting to repeal the entire law. When the so-called "news" media even bothered to report on these major developments, they cast them as minor, inconsequential or "symbolic."

The truth is, the liberal media's dream of the U.S. turning into a socialist, cradle-to-grave welfare state is slipping away. They hope that by hiding these facts from the American people, we'll give up the fight. Please help us spread the word about this blatant fraud, and rally more people to sign our Stop the Lies about ObamaCare petition.

MRC's provided complete coverage from the very beginning of this adminstration forcing socialized medicine down the throats of Americans. now brings us coverage of the latest ObamaCare scandal the liberal media are hiding from the people.

Hundreds of organizations have applied to the Obama Administration for waivers from ObamaCare provisions that would drive them out of business. Among the biggest recipients of these waivers so far have been the labor unions that spent millions getting President Obama elected and supporting the passage of ObamaCare. broke the story of three Chicago chapters of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) being granted waivers so that they won't have to provide government approved health insurance to their members. In an interview with Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) promised hearings into this blatant corruption.


MRC's provided complete coverage from the very beginning of this adminstration forcing socialized medicine down the throats of Americans. now brings us coverage of the latest ObamaCare scandal the liberal media are hiding from the people.

That this administration's biggest supporters cannot afford ObamaCare should be front page news on every newspaper in the country.

This means conservatives were right and this law will kill jobs. That the financial backers of this president and this law are being told that they don't have to play by the same rules as everyone else, is an even bigger story.

But you wouldn't know any of this if you get your news from the liberal media. Please help us to expose this major scandal:

1. Sign our petition to the liberal media, demanding honest coverage of ObamaCare.2. Forward this message to your friends and family, making sure that they know about this story of blatant corruption

Thank you for standing with us in the fight for a truthful press!


Jan. 31, 2011