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What's Next for the Tea Party?

From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, President, Grassfire Nation

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Steve Elliott, President, Grassfire Nation

When the smoke cleared from the sweeping midterm victories,  I realized we had a two-year window with which to wrestle  back control of our nation ...

As the Tea Party successes proved, we must bring fresh ideas and fresh strategies to the political debate. Big Government leftists are too savvy, too well-funded and  too well connected to the media powers for us to continue using the same old tactics.

            To continue to succeed in advancing Liberty

            and Limited Government, we must put new,

            cutting-edge tools and resources in the

            hands of Patriots from coast-to-coast...

That's why I'm writing to you today.

+ + Next Phase Of The Patriot Movement...

Two years ago -- through out "Patriotic Resistance" and  a Facebook-like social network -- Grassfire Nation members helped launch a political tsunami unlike anything we have seen in decades.

That network, now called the Patriot Action Network, quickly became one of the largest (if not the largest) conservative social action networks in the nation -- larger than "Tea Party Patriots" and FreedomWorks (the oft-recognized leaders of the movement).

            The fact is, more Patriots were informed and

            equipped last year through our site than any

            other Patriot/Tea Party website. And we did

            it on a shoestring budget with a dedicated

            staff and volunteers who offered countless

            hours as moderators and content managers.

But with so much at stake over the next two years, I know we must do more...

+ + 2011 "Patriot Action Fund Drive"

In order to inform and equip millions of Patriots over the next 24 months, we must enhance our site. But the enhancements come at a high cost.

Specifically, we must invest $40,000 right away to put vital enhancements in place on the Patriot Action Network  to give citizens the tools they need as we rush toward 2012.

That's why we are launching our first-ever "Patriot Action Fund Drive' to raise these critically needed resources.

            This is the first time we have come to you in

            this way, but with so much at stake, I feel

            we must let you know about this critical need.

            Patrick, I'm counting on citizens across Grassfire

            Nation to help us bring vital enhancements to

            the Patriot Action Network. Go here:

+ + Our gift to you...

If you can help with a contribution of any amount, we will send you four "Patriot Action Network" window decals -- two to keep and one to give away to friends and spread the word about your Patriot Action Network.

The decal features our distinctive logo which incorporates the three vital aspects of this network...

            --The flag-bearer, symbolizing our unwavering

            commitment to our nation and our Constitution...

            --The soldier, always ready to sacrifice for

            the good of our country while defending Liberty

            and Limited Government...

            --The drummer, symbolizing the power of this

            network's unique ability to inform, equip and

            rally citizens to the key battle lines in the

            political debate.

YOU are that flag-bearer! YOU are that soldier! YOU are that drummer!

The decals represent a small token of our appreciation for  all you have done, and for your special help right now as  we reach toward our $40,000 Patriot Action Fund goal.

In the coming days, I will be sharing more details on the  new enhancements we are planning for the Patriot ActionNetwork. But right now, I need to hear from you...

            Do you believe enough in this Patriot network

            to invest $10, $20, $50 -- or whatever you can --

            right now so we can take this movement to the

            next level? Please go here to help:

Every contribution will help. Right now, we need friends  like you stepping up to ensure that we streak across the  finish line with the prize in hand -- a nation worthy of  passing on to our children and grandchildren.

Can I count on you right now?

Click herWhat's next for the Tea Party?e to help:

Thank you for standing with me and other Patriots who understand what is at stake and who believe in the cause as we march together toward victory!

Steve Elliott

President, Grassfire Nation

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a  million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.   Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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+ +

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