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The most protective law in the country will pass with your help!


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Finally, something to make pro-lifers across the nation feel like dancing

Want to be a part of history with the most protective effort likely to pass in America? 

The “Heartbeat Bill,” soon to be introduced in Ohio, will protect babies beginning with their first heartbeat!  Pro-life pioneer, Dr. John "Jack" Willke, estimates it will save 95 percent of the babies who would otherwise be aborted!  

I've never seen anything like it!  Already more than ONE THIRD OF THE OHIO HOUSE has agreed to CO-SPONSOR the “Heartbeat Bill”!  

And Prime Sponsor Representative Lynn Wachtmann just happens to be the CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE hearing it!

This is our best chance to protect children in the nation, and there's an easy way you can help.  

HELP FILL THE STATEHOUSE by sending Heart-Shaped Red Balloons to some or all 99 Ohio State Reps!  We hope to deliver hundreds of heart-shaped, red balloons to each State Rep. in the week leading up to Valentine’s Day when the “Heartbeat Bill”  will be introduced by Chairman Wachtmann).

Watch the music video with dancing babies (in utero and out) and join the campaign that makes protecting babies fun!

Go to and help make history!  

Also, please help us by forwarding this e-mail to every pro-lifer you know around the nation -- because this is a catalyst that will protect babies across the nation!  Already, states are lining up to get a copy of the Heartbeat Bill to pass in their state!  Please post the link: to Facebook, blogs, & news sites!

To those who say "it's not the right time" to protect babies, after 38 years of killing, we simply aren't going to wait any longer!  The time to act is NOWGo to and help pass the bill to protect babies. 

Then, after we protect almost all of the babies, we'll go back and protect the rest!

For LIFE, 

Janet (Folger) Porter, Coordinator

& President, Faith2Action


P.S. The best minds in the nation are working together to draft the Heartbeat Bill--designed to be "an arrow into the heart of Roe v. Wade."  Please pray for them and this critical effort!

Jan. 28, 2011