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Did 'successor' to Egyptian president flee country?

Aaron Klein

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Measures are evidence of uncertainty over Cairo regime's continued rule

The son and likely successor to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has departed his country for London amid mass anti-regime protests gripping the nation, according to two Egyptian diplomatic sources with insider knowledge of the incident.

One source claimed Gamal Mubarak, the 47-year-old son of Hosni, fled temporarily for London and transferred large sums of money there in recent days.

The second source confirmed Gamal is in London, but said he did not run away.

The sources said Hosni Mubarak's older son, Alaa, still is in the country. Alaa has more popular support than his younger brother and is not as tied to regime corruption.

The Egyptian government has denied Gamal fled the country to London.

Meanwhile, WND has been made aware of multiple measures taken by the Mubarak regime that evidence uncertainty over its continued rule.

Publicly, Mubarak and top officials in Egypt put on a strong face, speaking about their confidence they will successfully scale back the opposition protests that have gripped Egypt in recent days.

But WND has learned of diplomatic measures in place that evidence uncertainty. The information was given to WND by Egyptian officials on condition the measures not be released.

The Egyptian officials said they were disappointed with a White House statement today championing the anti-regime protests.

White House officials today announced protests in Egypt give Mubarak's regime a "great opportunity" to advance some of the political reforms U.S. officials have been discussing with Cairo, including freedom of speech.

Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough, speaking in a White House webcast, also urged the government and protesters in Egypt to refrain from violence.

Egyptian officials, however, warned the Muslim Brotherhood has the most to gain from any political reform.

The Brotherhood seeks to spread Islam around the world, in large part using nonviolent means. Hamas and al-Qaida are violent Brotherhood offshoots.

An Egyptian security official noted the Muslim Brotherhood was directly involved in protest organization.


Jan. 27, 2011