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Last Chance to have your Citizen Mandate delivered to Congress

Grassfire Nation Update

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The President's well-choreographed State of the Union  message was part of a concerted effort by Obama to re-cast himself as a moderate, mainstream president -- cloaking his actual far-left statist agenda...

The media are of course making every effort to get Obama's message out -- talking about Obama's reading of Ronald Reagan's biography and the high-profile USA Today editorial featuring Obama lauding the Gipper on his 100th birthday...

All carefully planned and executed, and sadly many Americans and even lawmakers will be deceived.

Obama's actions are precisely why at this late hour in our  initiative we are asking all members of the Grassfire Nation team to stay engaged in the political process by completing their CITIZEN MANDATES before our January 30 deadline.

Click here now to have your CITIZEN MANDATE hand-delivered  to your two South Dakota Senators and Representative at no charge:

House Speaker John Boehner remarked in a recent letter to us, that the "new majority in Congress expects to be held accountable and judged on our effectiveness in restoring a government  worth of the trust of the people it serves."

This is our mandate -- to hold this new Congress accountable.  Therefore we must be unwavering in our communication to our  lawmakers letting them know precisely where we stand on the  key issues of the day.

+ + January 30 Deadline for Delivery

Please don't delay. Our deadline for delivery is midnight Sunday, January 30, so that we can begin our hand-delivery  as scheduled on the January 31.

Click here to complete your mandate:

Already, more than 180,000 CITIZEN MANDATES have been completed and processed for delivery -- representing nearly every member of Congress!

With your help right now we are confident that we can push that number past 200,000 in the hours that remain. But much depends on you, Patrick H..

Take action and help lift the shroud on more Obama lies by  completing your CITIZEN MANDATE in time for hand-delivery to your members of Congress:

Thank you for being such a key part of our team.

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Don't delay. The deadline for free delivery of the Citizen Mandates is January 30. Complete yours now to ensure delivery beginning on January 31 by clicking here:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a  million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.   Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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