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Stay Engaged During This Critical Time

Grassfire Nation Update

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Does Rep. Noem know where you stand on the economy, the rapid growth of government, and our current tax and spend policies?

Don't let another moment pass by without letting your  lawmakers know where you stand on these critical watershed issues facing our nation right now.

Even as you read this update, the Obama administration along with the media are lock-step in their attempts to diminish and demonize the new conservative leaders in Congress.

Unless grassroots Americans stay engaged in the governing process, all that conservatives have worked so hard for could  be compromised and destroyed.

Don't allow that to happen.

Take a moment right now to complete your personal CITIZEN MANDATE for free delivery beginning on January 31.

Click here now:

With significant changes in place in Congress, we cannot  allow them to take a "hands-off" approach -- to merely slip back into anonymity and allow Washington insiders and the media to co-op and unhinge what was started.

Too much is at stake to roll the dice...

That's why Grassfire Nation is preparing to put CITIZEN MANDATES into the hands of EVERY House and Senate member -- so there can be no chance for miscommunication as to what the people want for our country!

But time is dwindling. Our midnight Sunday (Jan. 30), deadline is fast approaching and we are asking all who have yet to complete their CITIZEN MANDATE to do so right now to ensure delivery to your South Dakota Senators and Representative beginning on January 31.

Click here to complete and submit your CITIZEN MANDATE:

Imagine the message of solidarity and strength we would have if every member of our million-strong team took action and completed a CITIZEN MANDATE?

Such a move would literally transform the climate on Capitol Hill and usher in a new era of accountability!

Take a moment to complete your CITIZEN MANDATE -- giving us  permission to hand-deliver your concerns directly to your lawmakers (absolutely free of charge).

Click here now:

As always, thank you for taking action with Grassfire Nation!

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Again our deadline is midnight Sunday (Jan. 30). Don't delay. Click below to ensure delivery:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a  million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.   Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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this email, go here:  (Not for comments/feedback on this update)

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Jan. 25, 2011