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Would you ask Alex Jones to interview Cyndi Steele?

Edgar J. Steele / Cyndi Steele

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Dear ConspiracyPenPal subscriber:

Jan 22, 2011

The Edgar Steele Defense Fund (non-profit) Board, along with Mrs. Cyndi Steele, is sending this request to your attention. While you're browsing the Internet, would you be so kind as to consider helping us out? It should only take 5 minutes of your time. Alex Jones - host of the Prison Plant TV & Radio show - has just created two campaigns to raise awareness of global corruption, New World Order machinations, police state, governmental tyranny and other cancers that are growing in our world today. Found at his website, the campaigns are:

'V' for Victory

The Answer to 1984 is 1776

According to the description of the "Answer" campaign, "Alex Jones invites you to produce videos defending our natural rights against the onslaughts of the New World Order". North Idaho and eastern Washington supporters of Edgar are discussing the production of a video which focuses on the outrageous FBI setup and his arrest on absurd charges.

Between now and Edgar's March 7th trial, Mrs. Steele and her attorney Wes Hoyt have given numerous talk show interviews, as well as a few public meetings to discuss the case. Going public has enlightened many people to the serious problems that may some day soon arrive at our own doorstep.

Alex Jones might consider interviewing Mrs. Steele if WE ASK him to consider Edgar's case, how it clearly reveals an out-of-control government agency who acts outside of, and contrary to laws and regulations.


So, would you take a few moments to visit the Alex Jones website, to request he interview Cyndi Steele about her husband's frame-up and solitary incarceration? The timing is perfect, and the window of opportunity is right now. The contact form is at:


Here are some talking points you can use in your comment asking Mr. Jones to interview Cyndi:

If they can do it to Edgar Steele, they can do it to us.

Help stop fraud and corruption in the justice system before it comes to you and your loved ones.

Edgar Steele said: "Equal rights for all, special rights for none."

Cyndi Steele can be reached at 208-290-2701, or her attorney Wes Hoyt at 303-819-7400 If we are going to break free of the globalists, we need to break their hold on the justice system by exposing their abuse, manipulation and fraud, otherwise the public will be fooled.

The government creates the crimes they accuse us of, say they are saving us from by solving the very crimes they have created (e.g., Portland Christmas Tree Bomber). This is a core facet of the Edgar Steele frame-up.

Thank you for your gracious consideration,

ESDF Board, Cyndi Steele, friends, family, supporters


(Below is a comment composed by Cyndi's attorney Wes Hoyt. Some of the talking points above

were taken from his comment.)

We are the resistence. We can do this together. 'V' is for the Victory of the people's resistence. We must just say 'NO' to tyranny. Edgar Steele said: "Equal rights for all, special rights for none." He was silenced by arrest, falsely charged with murder-for-hire of his wife, who totally supports him, because he did noting, the charges are based on a total fiction.

Encourage Alex Jones to interview Mrs. Cyndi Steele, she knows the path the judicial system is taking to tyranny. She will tell how they are doing it, step-by-step. How the government creates the crimes they accuse us of, say they are saving us from by solving the very crimes they have created (e.g., Portland Christmas Tree Bomber). Edgar Steele is a First Amendment lawyer who helped so many others, working pro bono, without fees. He has been in federal detention for eight (8) months on this fraud scheme, just to keep him from speaking. Is there anything that we, as lovers of liberty can do, to help save Ed Steele, because if we break the cycle of federal fraud now, in Ed's case, we can blockthem from doing it to us.

The so-called Dept. of Justice has plans to falsely accuse all of us and our loved ones of unspeakable crimes. Please, please, please, ask Alex Jones to interview Cyndi Steele. She can explain it. She can be reached at 208-290-2701, or call call her attorney Wes Hoyt at 303-819-7400 and he will set up the interview.

If we are going to break free of the globalists, we need to break their hold on the justice system by exposing their abuse, manipulation and fraud, otherwise the public will be fooled. The public is fooled, thinking that these false prosecutions are real. Don't let this happen to you. Adopt the 'V' for Victory and block tyranny everywhere.

To support the Edgar Steele Defense Fund, go to and see for yourself. The time to act is now, because Ed will go to a sham trial, in a kangaroo court hearing on March 7, 2011 alone without your support. May the choicest blessings of the Lord be upon each of you as you Resist the move to make America a Stazzi Society.

Wes Hoyt

Here is the Alex Jones link to the 22 minute "V for Victory" broadcast.

----- Original Message -----
From: Edgar J. Steele
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011 3:06 PM
Subject: Would you ask Alex Jones to interview Cyndi Steele?