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Roger Hickey, Co-director Campaign for America's Future

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We believe President Obama should listen to Candidate Obama, who said "cutting benefits is not the right answer." And we have only a few days to make sure the President hears from the majority of Americans who agree with what he said then.

We have the video.

And we have the petition calling on the President to stand by his promises.

Conservatives are pressuring the White House to publicly adopt the recommendations from the Simpson-Bowles plan to cut Social Security.

But poll after poll shows the public rejects the plan to cut benefits and raise the retirement age to 69. Making a deal with conservatives to cut Social Security would be a policy and political disaster for the President.

SIGN THE PETITION: Tell President Obama, before Tuesday's State of the Union address, to keep his promise and reject the Simpson-Bowles plan to cut Social Security benefits.

It's up to us to send a powerful message to President Obama before he delivers his State of the Union address.

SIGN THE PETITION: Tell President Obama, before Tuesday's State of the Union address, to keep his promise and reject cuts to Social Security benefits.

By all accounts, the President has not decided what to do about Social Security in his address. This is the moment where our grassroots efforts can be most effective. Let the President know that you agree with what he promised when he was trying to get our votes.

Urge him to use his State of the Union speech on January 25 to draw a line in the sand – by telling conservative politicians HANDS OFF Social Security!

There is no time to lose. Make your voice heard.


Roger Hickey, Co-director

Campaign for America's Future