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Jim Babka President

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That's why is introducing our Hands Off the Internet campaign.

If you like what the free market version of the Internet has done for you, then please take action to protect it from interference by The State.

In the coming weeks and months we'll use this campaign to address specific issues. But Congress should also be told right now where you stand on the issue as a whole. That's why we're asking you to send a letter to your Representative and your two Senators telling them that you value Internet freedom.

The hard-wired letter says . . .

Please oppose any attempts to undermine Internet freedom.

You may borrow from or copy these additional remarks, or write something of your own . . .

I know Congress will deal with many Internet-related issues this year. In any bill that you consider, I demand that you protect my rights . . .

* to contract with the Internet Service Provider of my choice

* to speak and publish freely on the Internet, including my right to remain anonymous

I also demand that you oppose . . .

* government monitoring of emails and web activies without a search warrant

* any bill allowing the President to take over the Internet under the pretense of "national security"

* the FCC or international agreements from regulating the Internet

* all taxation on Internet transactions

* the creation of a State-issued and State-controlled Internet ID.

The free market, State-free Internet works. Leave it alone.


You may send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

And check out these new posts at the Downsize DC Foundation . . .

Tax the Rich? The Tale of Warren's Money

Lilliputian Liberty

Quote File: Gun Prohibition vs the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

How to Create a Local Free Market Currency

For more great quotes, factoids, and insight, go to the Downsize DC Foundation Home page.

Jim Babka


D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

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