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Mark Mix

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At least, that appears to be Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's philosophy.

Against all expectations, Right to Work supporters were able to defeat Big Labor's power grabs like the Card Check Bill and the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill last year.

Grassroots hostility to both bills was so strong that Reid could not strongarm 60 votes to shut off our filibuster and force either bill through the Senate.

Now Reid is threatening to cut the heart out of the filibuster and other Senate rules that have helped us defeat so many union powergrabs over the decades.

Changing the rules requires 67 votes, which Reid can't even come close to.

So instead, Reid concocted a scheme that violates over two centuries of precedent and crushes the rights of the minority party by changing the basic rules of the Senate with only 51 votes -- ignoring all existing rules and precedents, and brazenly pushing ahead with his radical agenda as if he had done nothing wrong.

You and I would have no recourse.

If Reid gets away with it, it will be a PERMANENT blow to our ability to block forced unionism legislation.

Reid's scheme can only be stopped by 51 Senators willing to vote against it. Your Senators need to be among those 51.

That's why it's critical that your Senators hear from you today.

Please send your Senators a free action fax IMMEDIATELY by clicking here.

Tell them both you insist they vote NO on Senate Resolution 10, and any other attempts to weaken the filibuster and the other rules protecting the rights of the minority party.

And tell them to reject ANY attempt to violate two centuries of precedent by changing the rules with less than 67 votes.

Had Harry Reid's rules been in place in the past...

... LBJ would have repealed section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1966 – and with it every state Right to Work Law in the land.

... Jimmy Carter would have rammed George Meany's Labor Law "Reform" bill into law in 1978, herding hundreds of thousands of workers into unions against their will.

... Bill Clinton's Construction Forced Unionism legislation would have turned America's largest industry into a massive closed union shop.

... And Barack Obama's Card Check and Police/Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining thank you notes to Big Labor would be further strangling America's economy and local first responders today.

If you think our economic situation is bad now, think how much worse it would be if Harry Reid's proposed Senate rules had been adopted in decades past.

And think how bad it will be if he gets his way now, and forced unionism legislation like the Card Check bill is rammed into law in the future under the new "Reid Rules."

Please send your Senators a free action fax IMMEDIATELY and urge them to oppose Harry Reid's latest scheme.

It's vital your Senators hear from you today. Please don't wait.


Mark Mix

P.S. After you've submitted your free fax authorization, please consider chipping in with a contribution of $10 or more to help the Committee fight back against Harry Reid's brazen scheme to weaken the filibuster and other rules protecting the rights of the minority party.

Jan. 15, 2011