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Tell Congress 'NO' to Taxpayer Funded Abortions

Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer Concerned Women for America

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From the Desk of:

Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer

Concerned Women for America


Every year, abortion groups vie for your tax-dollars so they can satisfy their bloodlust and expand the abortion  culture that for decades has had a stranglehold on our nation.

For years, pro-life organizations have battled every year to ensure that no taxpayer money from the U.S. will be given to abortion services either here or around the world.

It's a never-ending battle that gets tougher each year. But now we have a chance to win once and for all. Click here for more information and to take action:

+ + New Conservative Congress Brings New Pro-Life Hope

With a new conservative Congress now in place, pro-lifers have an unprecedented opportunity to pass a  permanent piece of legislation that would ultimately save  lives while dealing a severe blow to the abortion industry.

         The "No Tax Funding for Abortion Act", would

         prohibit your tax dollars from ever being used

         to fund abortion services -- either here in the

         U.S. or abroad.

Introduced last year by Rep. Chris Smith (R-New Jersey),  the bill simplified the process and did away with the need to renew the "pro-life" riders each year that prevented federal funds from financing abortion services.

         In other words, this life-saving bill would

         permanently remove any chance of your dollars

         being used to commit abortions!

Unfortunately with a Democrat controlled Congress in place,  the bill was defeated. However, it did have 185 of the needed 218 co-sponsors!

Now with new leadership comes new hope that the "No Tax Funding for Abortion Act" will gain the needed support for passage...

But even that is no guarantee. That's why I'm calling on pro-life citizens to stand up on behalf of the voiceless victims of abortion by adding your name to our new CWA  petition supporting this legislation and prohibiting  taxpayer funding of abortion services worldwide!

Click here now to add your name to this important petition:

+ + Changing the Culture of Death in America

The Obama Administration has created a number of channels that subsidize abortion and abortion providers -- making it increasingly easier and more financially rewarding  for them to kill the innocent unborn.

That must change... and it will if pro-lifers from across  the nation take a strong stand right now.

Through this petition effort we want to quickly rally at least 100,000 grassroots women and men -- so that we can present EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE PETITIONS to House  leadership urging them to move rapidly on this life-saving  measure.

          If you share my concern for the unborn, and are

          outraged that efforts are being made to siphon

          your tax-dollars to fund abortions and abortion

          services, please join me in signing our "NO

          Taxpayer Funded Abortions" petition now:

Click here to sign our petition:

         After signing, consider joining CWA for our LIVE

         webcast on January 24 from 9:30 am - 11 am (Eastern)

         as we discuss this important, life-saving legislation.

         The webcast is free, but you must register in advance.


Click here to sign our petition and to register now:

Thank you in advance for standing with Concerned Women for America!

Penny Nance

Chief Executive Officer

P.S. After signing our petition, increase your personal impact by taking a few additional moments to alert your conservative friends and family to join with you by clicking below:

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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that provides news, information and grassroots action services and strategies to individuals and organizations.

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