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Your Voice is a Key Component in the Repeal of ObamaCare

Grassfire Nation Update

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Among those was the vote on the "Repealing the Job Killing Health Care Law Act", originally scheduled for a vote on  January 12. Our contact on Capitol Hill told us that no date has been set, but it could take place as early as  next week.

        As we reported in our earlier alert, the repealing

        of ObamaCare is far and away the most important

        issue of Grassfire Nation team members -- more

        than doubling other important issues!

        That's why it is so important that we are ready

        to quickly move forward with tens of thousands of

        petitions supporting the repeal when the date for

        the vote is announced.

 The fact that you haven't yet signed this  important petition is probably just an oversight. That's why I'm coming to you directly with another opportunity  to help me lead the charge in repealing ObamaCare by  clicking below and signing our petition.

Click here to add your name to our "Repeal ObamaCare" petition:

The key to defeating ObamaCare is for Americans to stand-up and flatly reject it for what it really is -- an unconstitutional, job-killing, socialist power-grab that steals away our right to make our own private medical decisions and takes over at least one-sixth of our economy!

The upcoming vote lays the all-important groundwork to dismantle ObamaCare, but it is vital that the voices of  hundreds of thousands of Americans resonate in unison and  around Capitol Hill holding our lawmakers accountable, and we are counting on you to help make that happen!

Join me now by clicking here:

Just as soon as the date of the vote is announced, our team will begin pulling together and printing the petitions for  delivery to new House Speaker John Boehner BEFORE the vote  takes place.

We want to set Capitol Hill awash in Repeal ObamaCare petitions prior to the vote, but we need your help!

       Don't delay, click below and sign today. My staff

       and I would be honored to represent you on Capitol Hill:

Thank you for your outstanding efforts.


P.S. After signing, forward this message to 30-40 friends alerting them to our petition delivery to Speaker Boehner's  office the day before the scheduled vote to Repeal ObamaCare. Have them click below to be included in this important delivery:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a  million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.   Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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Jan. 12, 2011