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Liberal Media: Repealing ObamaCare is 'Fool's Errand'

David Martin

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Patrick H.,

Although just officially sworn in today, the new Congress is wasting little time in its effort to repeal the federal healthcare takeover. On Monday, they announced a two-page bill, officially called "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act" and plan on voting on the bill on January 12th

MRC's NewsBusters reported that these early actions have triggered a frightened liberal media response. Network and cable "news" personalities are looking to marginalize new leadership in Congress and derail the effort to repeal ObamaCare.

  • On Monday, NBC's Chuck Todd questioned John Boehner's former press secretary, Kevin Madden, about whether he wanted to read headlines about "relitigating health care." Stealing language straight out of the President's talking points, Todd suggested that the American people would prefer the new Congress abandon their pledge to overturn this bill.
  • During an appearance on MSNBC's Daily Rundown, former Obama communications director Anita Dunn warned "[Republicans are] talking about taking benefits away from people."
  • On CBS's Face the Nation, fill-in host Harry Smith ignored the fact that 60 percent of Americans want ObamaCare repealed when he went on the attack against Rep. Michelle Bachmann over Republican efforts to repeal the law. Smith suggested that the effort would end up being "a fool's errand" due to the fact that it would face a certain veto.

    Click here now for the full NewsBusters report and to take action with the MRC. Help us get to 200,000 signatures by the day of the repeal vote - January 12th!

    Patrick H., today's new Congress and next week's ObamaCare repeal vote are first steps in a long battle. This topic will dominate the national conversation in the coming months. As conservatives, we need to ensure that the liberal media will not get away with cheerleading for socialized medicine. They need to know that we stand ready to counter their propaganda with a loud consistent voice ... every step of the way!

    In this battle, the liberal media are at odds with the majority of the American people. With your help, we will gather and deliver 200,000 signatures to deliver to ABC, NBC and CBS, demamding that this time - they tell the truth about this socialist takeover of our family's healthcare!

    Next week as conservatives in Congress take the first step to overturning this unAmerican legislative monstrosity, we will drop the first 200,000 of your signatures off with ABC, NBC and CBS. This will be the first wave of petitions, as patriotic Americans send a message to the liberal media, that we won't let our country go without a fight!

    But to be successful we need your immediate help.

    Patrick H., click here right now to add your name to our petition demanding the media report the truth about ObamaCare.

    After signing, forward this imporant alert to your conservative friends urging them to join with you first by reading our NewsBusters reports and then by adding their names to our petition.

    We have precious little time to short-circuit this latest liberal media attempt to decieve the public while pushing their own statist agenda. We are counting on your quick action over these next several days to help us reach our goal of 200,000 petitions by next Wednesday!

    With your help, we can succeed at overthrowing a desperate and despicable liberal media and their lies and help restore our nation to greatness - on a foundation built on truth!

    As always, thank you for your outstanding support!


    P.S. After reading our exclusive NewsBuster's reports, sign our petition and then forward this alert to 20-30 friends.

Jan. 5, 2011