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We Did it in Arizona, We Can Do It In Your State, Too


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Clearly, this administration’s immigration policy has failed us.

It has failed millions of jobless Americans.

It has failed thousands of families whose loved ones died at the hands of terrorists.

It has failed to serve the principles of sustainability that keep our health, education, and our eco-systems from being overburdened.

And it has failed to serve the most basic definition of American sovereignty.

Please join us today in the FAIR fight for the constitutional rights of states to defend their borders and their taxpayers from the crisis of uncontrolled immigration.

In the FAIR fight for common sense immigration reform, there is no greater advocate for strong and sensible law making as FAIR’s legal affiliate IRLI, the Immigration Reform Law Institute. IRLI is the only public interest law organization dedicated to defending your rights as a citizen against the crisis of uncontrolled immigration — something that President Obama refuses to do so.

IRLI in Arizona

Right now, any support you can send to IRLI will be DOUBLED through a matching grant that expires at midnight on December 31, 2010. If you give $20, it becomes $40. If you can donate $50, it becomes $100. And your contribution is 100% tax deductible for 2010.

Take advantage today of this tremendous opportunity to support the establishment of

common sense immigration laws.

Every dollar counts in the FAIR fight for tough, new laws that will respect and honor American sovereignty while it is under attack by the “open border” advocates who are trying to advance their special interests at our expense.

Please give today, I will be grateful for any amount that you can send before the end of year.

Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

Dan Stein, FAIR President & Chairman of IRLI

Dan Stein

Federation for American Immigration Reform

Dec. 28, 2010