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Countdown Under Waly

Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer Concerned Women for America

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Your friends at Grassroots Action

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I trust you had a wonderful Christmas celebration with family and friends. I'm writing to you today because we  have just a few more days to reach our $125,000 year-end  goal to help us finish this year strong and expand our  grassroots effort in the New Year.

If you haven't done so already, please consider making a tax-deductible gift today to help Concerned Women for  America. Please note that all gifts made online or  postmarked by midnight on December 31 will help you reduce your tax burden this year.

     Please see below for my original message outlining our

     goals heading into 2011 and go here to make your

     tax-deductible gift:

Thank you and God bless!


P.S. If you already sent your year-end gift, thank you so much and my apologies for this second note!

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Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer

Concerned Women for America

I am writing to you today with an extraordinary challenge  and opportunity that will require the united effort of  thousands of conservative women.

As you may recall, long before the election I began  calling this the "Year of the Conservative Woman," and rightly so. Consider what has happened this year...

      We have seen the impact of conservative women

      explode at the grassroots as women have taken

      a strong leadership role in the Tea Party movement.

      We have witnessed a new generation of conservative

      women rise in prominence on the national stage --

      the "Mama Grizzlies" who are taking back our

      nation for faith and family values.

      And then we watched as millions of conservative

      women went to the polls and provided the crucial

      difference on Election Day -- a stunning 14-point

      swing in the women's vote that accounted for more

      votes than the total G.O.P. margin of victory nationwide.

Of course, the far-left media has spun these historic events as the "Year of the Setback" for women and warned of a new era of "Republican Mean Girls"! It has been part of a  concerted effort to demonize you and me and discredit   this new generation of conservative women so the far left can keep control over what it means to be a woman both politically and culturally in our nation.

And these battles have only increased during the Reid-Pelosi Lame Duck session which has seen many manipulative, backroom efforts to pass a radical, anti-family agenda.

+ + A Showdown Over What It Means To Be A Woman!

These colliding events  -- a historic rise of conservative women and the radical-left's efforts to maintain control -- have set the stage for what I believe will be our most  important season in our lifetimes.

The next 24 months could well decide the fate of our nation -- and conservative women will likely be the "tipping point."

And that's why I'm asking for your help in a special way   right now.

With so much at stake, I feel I must DOUBLE and then DOUBLE  AGAIN our online grassroots presence to take on the challenges from Obama and Reid in 2011 and prepare for the crucial 2012 cycle.

We must equip hundreds of thousands of conservative women  to stand in the public square and contend for truth! But I cannot do this without your help.

Specifically, I must raise $125,000 by December 31 to finish this year strong and have the resources we need to launch our goal of DOUBLING and DOUBLING AGAIN our online grassroots presence.

      Would you prayerfully consider making a special year-

      end gift to Concerned Women for America right now to

      help at this crucial time? Go here to make your gift:

+ + Your gift is fully tax-deductible!

Concerned Women for America is positioned to help lead this new and powerful movement of conservative women. We are the largest women's public policy organization in the nation and the ONLY women's organization that combines a powerful  state-by-state grassroots network and a substantial presence in our nation's capital.

And on top of this, your gift is fully tax-deductible -- so you can reduce your tax burden while you help CWA inform and equip conservative women from coast to coast. Please go here  now to donate:

I believe it is no accident that conservative women have  come to this place of influence at this specific time in history. This is not the first time women have been poised to play a key role in shaping history. But it is our time.

I am reminded of the inspirational story of Esther, who found  herself before the powers of her day faced with a choice to stand or be silent.

Mordecai's words ring true even today...

      "If you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance

      will arise for the Jews from another place... And who

      knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for

      such a time as this?"

I believe you and I have come to this very point in history  for "such a time as this." May we embrace this high calling  and historic opportunity. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.

Penny Nance

Chief Executive Officer

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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that  provides news, information and grassroots action services and strategies to individuals and organizations.

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+ + Comments? Questions?

Dec. 28, 2010