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Barney Frank to USA "Two down. Two to go!"

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Please read Mat Staver's message below and consider  sending your message to Capitol Hill.

Your friends at Grassroots Action

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Liberty Counsel

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

            Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and

            Barney Frank took center stage this week by

            unabashedly touting the end of the military's

            "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy.  Frank

            boasted, "Two down, two to go," referring to

            the passage of a Hate Crimes law and the repeal

            of DADT, with the presumed repeal of the

            Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and the passage

            of an Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)

            left to accomplish on his wish list.  How can

            we stop this radical push?  See my urgent

            message below - Mat.


Yesterday, Representative Barney Frank threw down the gauntlet and crowed about further pro-homosexual initiatives while  speaking at a ceremony marking the end of the military's  "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.  The 1993 law underlying DADT prohibited open homosexuality in our armed forces. 

Frank tauntingly said,

            "For those who are worried about the radical

            homosexual agenda, let me put them on notice -

            two down, two to go."

Yet on Election Day 2010, "We the People" overwhelmingly  rejected the radical leftist policies advanced by President Obama and his super-majority Democratic legislature.  The now-defunct (and not a minute too soon!) 111th Congress and their unbelievable arrogance stirred a deep resolve among patriotic citizens of all parties (and even those with no  party) to stop them from remaking the United States of America into an atheist, socialist nation.

            Amazingly, this outgoing congressional body

            learned nothing from the "shellacking" (President

            Obama's word) they got on Election Day.

++Liberty Counsel has consistently fought the radical pro-homosexual agenda.

            *Our Liberty Counsel team aggressively stood

             against the Hate Crimes bill, which (sadly)

             promoted homosexuals to a unique, unjustified

             "protected" status in the law.

            *For well over a year, we fought valiantly

             against the overt social engineering being

             thrust on our troops through threats to repeal

             DADT.  It took a discredited lame duck Congress

             to pass the bill - against the will of our

             front-line fighting forces.  

            *We continue to stand against the passage of

             the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)

             which, as Barney Frank and his cronies well

             know, would put many Christian organizations

             on the wrong side of the law.

            *And we have battled relentlessly in the courts

             and in other venues on behalf of marriage between

             one man and one woman by defending the Defense

             of Marriage Act, California's Proposition 8,

             and countless6 other pro-family initiatives. 

++ How do we stop Barney Frank from advancing his radical  pro-homosexual agenda?

Liberty Counsel's vision is to "Take Back America" by restoring  our nation's core values, love of freedom, individual  responsibility, the sanctity of life and marriage, and our Christian heritage.

Our new legislators, who are to be seated Jan 4th must be  sternly reminded RIGHT NOW about the key issues that took  citizens like you and me to the polls in record numbers and  launched a renewal of conservatism that is sweeping across the nation!

            That's why Liberty Counsel has launched our

            powerful new "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" campaign

            and interactive petition.

You create your personal message to Congress by selecting from  ten specific action items that the 112th Congress MUST accomplish (or defeat) on behalf of the tens of millions of voters who  redirected the course of our nation on Election Day! 

Go here to sign our "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" petition and

select your personal mandates to Congress.

++Americans demand, "Change course NOW"!

Election Day 2010 was only the beginning of the end of  Barack Obama's socialist "change." The Left hopes that  the sleeping giant that awoke and went to the polls in record numbers on November 2nd will just go back to sleep.

But in order to keep the ground we just gained, we MUST  hold the President, his administration and the incoming 112th Congress accountable to the new mandates they have received from the American people!

            The "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" petition -

            and several other important campaign components -

            will unite hundreds of thousands of citizens who

            staunchly support the midterm elections'

            rejection of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda.

The radical socialist, pro-homosexual, and antifamily  agenda can be STOPPED if our newly elected legislators  and state Governors do what we have positioned them to do! 

"Change course NOW!" is our demand.

Throughout the course of this ongoing campaign we will consistently insist that our elected officials return to the pro-faith, pro-life, pro-family values upon which  this nation was founded!

            The "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" petition

            lists ten specific action items that we are

            calling the 112th Congress to accomplish on

            behalf of the tens of millions of voters,

            people like you and me, who mandated a

            change of course in polls across our nation.  

Liberty Counsel's Washington, DC, office will ensure that your "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" mandate will be hand  delivered to key members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives - perhaps even several times -  to the new Congress we just elected.

Go here now to sign our "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" Petition and to read the ten congressional mandates:

++A call to active citizenship.

Our nation is at a crossroads. The 2010 election cycle  is a reminder that we CAN make a difference in the future of America. 2011 will usher in a more conservative congress, but that is not enough!

            The battle is not over - it has just begun!

            We need to stop the anti-American policies

            we have witnessed over the past two years

            and restore the Constitution and adherence

            to the first principles that made America great!

This is a call to active citizenship - a call that requires  us to put aside apathy and to commit ourselves to fight for our God-given liberties. We are called to influence civil  government through prayer and action so that we can, "lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and reverence" (1 Timothy 2:2).

            Just for signing our petition, you will receive

            our "Call to Active Citizenship" brochure and

            the official "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" campaign

            sticker as our FREE gifts to you.

The Liberty Counsel "Call to Active Citizenship" brochure  lists ten effective ways that you can embrace the call to  shape America's future. You can make America better now...and deliver a brighter future for generations to come!

Go here to sign our "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" petition,  to read our mandates to Congress, and to receive your TWO FREE GIFTS:  The "Call to Active Citizenship" brochure and  the official "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" campaign sticker.

I urge you to sign our "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" petition. We will share your views - along with those of many thousands of your fellow concerned Americans - with key elected officials in the 112th Congress, government bureaucrats, the media, and wherever else this imperative message can be strategically delivered.

Also, watch for important news concerning a new "watchdog" website that our Liberty Counsel team is developing!  Our  strategically located office in Washington, DC, will be  providing timely updates and alerts through this new service.

It will be a comprehensive citizen action tool that will include facts on legislation that supports or undermines our core values, updated reports on Liberty Counsel's public policy initiatives, government contact information, links to agencies, and much more. I will be updating you concerning this powerful new resource very soon.

Together, using every resource available, we WILL "Hold Their  Feet to the Fire"!

THANK YOU (as always!) for all you do as a key member of the  Liberty Counsel team.

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. We must stop Barney Frank and his radical pro-homosexual push. I URGE you to sign our congressional accountability petitiontoday!  "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" simply by signing the  petition and then receive your free items: Our "Call to Active Citizenship" brochure and the official "Hold Their Feet to the  Fire" campaign sticker.

Again, thank you and God bless you!

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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that  provides news, information and grassroots action services and strategies to individuals and organizations.

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