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By now you've probably heard that yesterday the House of Representatives passed the S. 510, The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. It now goes to the president to be signed into law.

This is a serious blow for all of us that toiled relentlessly to stop this dangerous legislation, and you may be tempted to just pack it in. We can't give in - that's just what they want!

Send a message to the President NOW and urge him to veto H.R. 2751!

The swift passage of the bill, given the machinations the bill's supporters engaged in throughout the process, really doesn't come as much of a surprise. What is surprising is that it was passed despite the objections voiced by millions of Americans that responded to alerts from Citizens for Health and its allies in the health freedom movement. Also surprising is that even though Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) promised to block the legislation, he suddenly lifted his objection in time to allow passage of the bill.

Tuesday morning the House voted to allow no amendments, after which the bill went to the House floor and was passed after less than an hour of debate.

The legislation that includes S. 510 will be touted as a bi-partisan victory for the White House, and, most likely, signed by the President. However, we cannot sit idly by and fail to let the President know that he is flouting the will of millions of Americans if he signs it.

Let the President know he is ignoring millions of Americans if he signs H.R. 2751!

Finally, this is not the end of our opposition to this power-grab by big Agribusiness. The Citizens for Health team is conferring on next steps as you read this. Possible options under consideration are efforts to repeal the bill or to draft our own bill that would strip the objectionable S. 510 language from the bill passed by the House.

Stay tuned after the holiday for further updates from Citizens for Health, and further opportunities to make your voice heard in this fight - it isn't over until we say it is!

Thank you for your perseverance,

The Citizens for Health Team

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Dec. 23, 2010