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Will you help Defund ObamaCare?


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You want ObamaCare repealed.

So do I.

But the fact is, even with the huge anti-ObamaCare gains in Congress -- even with Republicans in charge of the House -- repealing this disastrous legislation just isn't possible.

Barack Obama still wields the veto pen, and you and I don't have the votes to override a veto.

But there is another solution.

You see, the House of Representatives insists all spending bills originate within its chambers.

That gives the new Majority Leader John Boehner a lot of power -- and gives you and I the opportunity to defund ObamaCare -- we can't repeal it, but Republicans in the House can refuse to fund it.

That's why I've drafted up an official Petition to Defund ObamaCare.

Will you sign it right away?

I've developed a detailed plan of action called the Code Red Program designed to keep up the pressure on key Congressmen to defund Obamacare.

I'll tell you all about it in a second, but I want to remind you how important this program will be.

ObamaCare imposes:

*** Unconstitutional bureaucratic red tape on small businessmen and women, forcing them to the brink of bankruptcy under the boot heel of government; and,

*** The unconstitutional individual mandate, forcing tens of millions of people to purchase health insurance, even if they don't want or need it; and,

*** Endless federal regulations, driving up the cost of health insurance and in turn the cost of healthcare itself; and,

*** The tyranny of unelected bureaucrats charged with dictating which operations and procedures are covered, who will be treated and who will die.

But the forces of big government don't care that you rallied, volunteered, donated and voted for smaller government and more freedom.

They plan to "co-opt" the newly elected senators and congressmen -- they plan to co-opt you.

And whispering in the ear of every new senator and congressman is the voice of corruption.

Lies and threats from "If you support that bill, you'll lose re-election!" to "If you vote with them, I won't vote with you!" and on and on...

And sadly, time and time again, too many conservatives cave in to these scare tactics...

But this time can be different.

This time, grassroots limited government conservatives are more energized and involved than ever before.

The fact is, your action RIGHT NOW is just as important, if not MORE important, than everything you did during the election.

You and I must hold these politicians' feet to the fire and make sure they stand strong against the "politics as usual" crowd in Washington.

Grassroots conservatives proved they are a force to be reckoned with this past year as they turned out to send ObamaCare cheerleaders packing and elect limited government conservatives.

But to keep those newly elected politicians from succumbing to the "Politics as Usual" crowd, you and I must make it clear they can't ignore us now that they're in power.Your signed petition will prove you haven't been lulled into complacency by a sense of "Mission Accomplished" -- that you're still here, that you're still watching and that you're ready to hold them accountable next election season.

So please, sign your Petition to Defund ObamaCare right away!

Unfortunately, your petition alone isn't enough.

In order to hold these newly elected congressmen's feet to the fire, we must mobilize hundreds of thousands of freedom-loving Americans to this battle.

Fortunately, Americans for Limited Government has developed the Code Red Program.

My goal is to put pro-freedom boots on the ground in key congressional districts all across America.

Our Code Red troops will make phone calls, send emails, and even drop mail to keep the pressure up -- but that is only the beginning.

With your help, every time one of these congressmen turns around he'll see his constituents demanding bold action in the fight to defund ObamaCare.

And everytime one of the "Politics as Usual" crowd tells them "If you support limited government, you'll lose re-election!" they'll have no choice but to respond "But if I DON'T support limited government, I'll lose re-election!"

Unfortunately, putting such a widespread and effective program into action isn't cheap.

That's why I'm hoping that along with your signed Petition to Defund ObamaCare you'll chip in a contribution of $10, $20, $30 or more.

In fact, I'm counting on it.

You see, without your contribution I may be forced to scrap ALG's Code Red Program for lack of funds.

And it's critical I get started implementing the Code Red Program immediately.

Competing forces are vying for power amongst the newly elected congressmen and senators.  If you and I are to have any say in the direction of the New Congress, we must act now.

Not only that, but every day that ObamaCare is not defunded, America's liberties are further eroded.

Every day ObamaCare is not defunded, faceless bureaucrats in nondescript government buildings prepare to implement the most heinous parts of this Big Government scheme.

So, it's vital you get involved in this battle right now.

Please sign your Petition to Defund ObamaCare right away.

After you sign the petition, please chip in a contribution of $10, $20, $30 -- or more if you can afford it -- so ALG can fully fund our Code Red Program to keep the heat on the new Congress to defund ObamaCare.

Thank you so much for everything you did during the election season.  But now, keep up the fight at this critical time and let's REALLY take our country back.

For Freedom,

Bill Wilson


Americans for Limited Government

P.S. The American public overwhelmingly rejected ObamaCare on election day.

But competing forces are vying for power in the New Congress, many which are hostile to our limited government philosophy.

To keep those newly elected congressmen from succumbing to the "Politics as Usual" crowd, you and I must make it clear they can't ignore us now that they're in power.

So please sign our Defund ObamaCare petition and after you sign, chip in a contribution of $10 -- or more if you can afford it -- so ALG can run a strong Code Red Program to hold the politicians accountable for their pledge to defund ObamaCare.