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REAL ID: A Major Victory is Near

Jim Babka President, Inc.

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That's because REAL ID - which is a de facto national ID card - lays the foundation for a future police state.

That's why so many people have fought against it so hard for so long. And thanks to that resistence REAL ID still hasn't been implimented, six years after it became law! A big part of this is because of your pressure.

And now there's more good news . . .

There's a silver lining in the monstrous, 1,926-page appropriations bill (H.R. 3082). This bill rescinds funding for a REAL ID "hub." The House already passed the bill, and the Senate will consider it as soon as TODAY.

This hub would have created a centralized ID verification system, where states share driver information with each other. Without this hub, REAL ID suffers a fatal blow.

That's why we're asking you to tell Congress to support this cut in REAL ID's budget, and to repeal REAL ID altogether.

You may borrow from or copy this letter . . .

I'm glad that the House is rescinding funding for a REAL ID hub in the H.R. 3082 budget bill. My Senators should ensure that this rescission remains in the bill.

But you should do more. Repeal REAL ID entirely.

* REAL ID assumes I am a foreign terrorist or illegal immigrant, and that I must "prove" my innocence

* I am punished with higher fees, more red tape, and longer DMV lines

* And my private information will be centralized, making me more susceptible to identity theft and other dangers

Furthermore . . .

* The REAL ID law still exists as an unconstitutional, unfunded mandate on the cash-strapped states

* 21 states will still be out of compliance when it is scheduled to take effect in May, 2011

* By de-funding the verification hub, there's no longer any point in forcing the states to implement REAL ID

This is America, land of the free. It's not the land of "Your papers, please." Help restore liberty to America and repeal REAL ID.


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

And please share this good news with your friends. Share this on Facebook:

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

P.S. New articles at the Downsize DC Foundation:

* Strategic Thinking: The Rubber Band Syndrome vs. The Mental Depth Charge* Our Lexicon: Coercion

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