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GRASSFIRE - Representatives Will March to the Officies of FCC

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On Monday afternoon, Grassfire Nation representatives will march into the offices of the Federal Communications  Commission and deluge them with tens of thousands of  petitions and letters opposing their Internet takeover scheme.

       Only a massive citizen uprising can short-circuit

       this latest statist grab by the Obama administration

       and we are counting on you to help punctuate our

       actions in two very important ways:

First: Having already signed our petition opposing the  proposed Net Neutrality rules and regulations, we are asking key members of our grassroots family to maximize  their impact against the FCC's takeover push by also  sending personal letters of outrage.

Click here to schedule your letters for delivery:

What sets these letters apart from the petition  delivery which is going to FCC chairman Julius Genochowski is that we are delivering letters to each of the FCC commissioners plus the chairman!

Already thousands of letters are scheduled for delivery along with our petitions -- a nice amount, but to  effectively counter Obama's takeover plan we are hoping for an additional 5,000 letters.

Click here now to maximize your impact and schedule your

letters to each of the five FCC commissioners:

Finally: We are asking all signers of our petition to  immediately alert 30-40 friends and family -- most of  whom probably regularly use the Internet. Let them know  that they will be adversely impacted by this federal takeover. Urge them to click below to sign our petition  and ensure that they are included in our Monday afternoon  delivery.

Have them click here now to sign:

        Don't delay. We have a hard deadline of 9 am ET

        Monday morning to gather and print all petitions

        and letters for a Monday afternoon delivery! 

As we've said before, if the FCC succeeds in this case it  would deal a frightening blow to our Free Speech rights -- giving the federal government the authority to regulate, ration and control what you see and hear on the Internet!

We cannot let this happen.

Take action by clicking here now:

Thank you for standing with Grassfire Nation.


P.S. Again, forward this message to 30-40 friends alerting them to the FCC's plan to seize control of the Internet. Urge  them to add their name to our petition by clicking here now:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a  million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.   Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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