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Response to PSR's message to "Push START nuclear treaty more than ever!"

Rebecca Campbell

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ic persistent airborne aerosol spraying ("geoengineered" chemtrails) thruout the US and the world, as well as the US government/BP-perpetrated terracide in/on the Gulf using depleted uranium-laced megatoxic Corexit dispersant. 
We will start pushing the START treaty banning already largely disabled nuclear weapons when Physicians for Social Responsibility starts providing some no-cost/low-cost healthcare to the people of the Gulf region being systematically and criminally denied it while they are presently under constant genocidal chemical warfare assault by the US Coast Guard-US Department of Homeland "Security" -- as well as BP and its contractors.
So far, PSR's response, along with the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund, the National Geographic Society and other major alleged "environmental" organizations has remained at Ground Zero.  So much for the now oft-degraded Nobel Peace Prize that your organization has in the seemingly now-distant past received!
Yours all too truly,


Eccentric & Hertic
cc:  International Activist Networks

Dec. 12, 2010