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Stop Obama From Destroying Decorated Army Colonel Lakin

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to REVEAL the TRUTH about Obama's ELIGIBILTY.

"I am compelled to make the distasteful choice to invite my own court martial in pursuit of the truth about the president's eligibility under the the Constitution to hold office." - Col. Lakin

LTC Lakin is risking his distinguished 18-year military career -- and facing the prospect of a dishonorable discharge, loss of his military pension, and years at hard labor in a military prison, not to mention years away from his wife and small children -- by conscientiously refusing to redeploy to Afghanistan until the "President" submits to the rule of law. Truly this brave American hero has pledged his life, his honor and his sacred duty.

This brave war hero has spent his life defending us. Now LTC Lakin desperately NEEDS OUR HELP to defend himself against the devastating COURT MARTIAL designed to HIDE THE FACTS and CIRCUMVENT JUSTICE.

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To Obama and Congress

We must fearlessly sound the clarion call and rally the American people to LTC Lakin's side as he battles in the courtroom in defense of our beloved Constitution.

Colonel Lakin needs you to TAKE ACTION NOW... So Proof Positive has set up an easy way for you to DONATE and make your voice heard LOUD AND CLEAR -- you can send "Blast Faxes" to Obama and hundreds of U.S. Congressmen and Senators AT ONCE.

Tell them to respect and defend the faithfulness that Lieutenant Colonel Lakin has shown to his oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.