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BREAKDING: House Dems Say No to Tax Bailout!

Nita Chaudhary -

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This is a huge breakthrough and a sign of real momentum for progressives. Progressive members of Congress have been saying the phones are ringing off the hook with calls opposing the deal, and a growing number of Democrats are voicing their opposition, calling the deal "grossly unfair" and "fiscally irresponsible."2

The bottom line: This will give President Obama and congressional Democrats leverage in negotiating a better deal for middle class Americans, but it's more important than ever that we keep the pressure on and build on the momentum we have.

So we're launching a final-push strategy to rally behind progressive Democrats like Bernie Sanders who stand up and fight—and urge others to join them. We'll run ads, organize press events, and make sure the phones keep ringing on Capitol Hill day and night.

But to keep the pressure on, we need a last-minute influx of resources. We're aiming to raise $225,000 today—can you chip in $5? Click here to donate:

If we can raise enough money, here's what we have planned:

  • TV ads: We've gotten an amazing response to the ad we created from MoveOn member videos opposing to the millionaire tax bailout. The ad has been played on major national media outlets like NPR's "Morning Edition."3 But we need more funding to keep it and others like it on the air.
  • Polling: We released an overnight poll Tuesday showing that 74% of Obama donors oppose extending the Bush tax breaks. We got great coverage in papers like The Washington Post, and in a fluid political environment like this, timely polling data are incredibly persuasive to the media as well as to the politicians.4
  • Grassroots organizing: We need to make sure the phones keep ringing off the hook on Capitol Hill, so that Democrats and Republicans alike know their constituents oppose this bad deal.

Our surveys show MoveOn members oppose the deal with the Republicans, and we have tremendous momentum on our side. In fact, Senator Bernie Sanders reported yesterday that his office is getting 800 phone calls a day—almost all against the deal.5

But we need to keep pushing. If you chip in $5, that will help give us the resources we need to stop the millionaire tax bailout and help President Obama and Congressional Democrats negotiate a better deal for the middle class. Click here to donate:

Thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Marika, Anna, Stephen, and the rest of the team



1. Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Twitter feed, December 9, 2010!/SpeakerPelosi/status/12917592947691521

2. "A House Divided: Congressional Dems Oppose Obama's 'Unfair' Tax Deal," ABC News, December 7, 2010

3. "Democrats Frustrated Over Obama Tax Deal With GOP," National Public Radio, December 7, 2010

4. "Poll: Obama supporters strongly opposed to deal extending Bush tax cuts," The Washington Post, December 7, 2010

5. "Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders," Real Clear Politics, December 7, 2010

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.