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'Stop gate rape by Christmas'


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WASHINGTON – WikiLeaks may have knocked Transportation Security Agency horror stories off the front page, but there's a way to end the "gate rapes" and "virtual strip searches" in airports by Christmas, says the organizer of a campaign to flood Congress with protests.

The "Stop Airport Humiliation Now" campaign has generated nearly 1 million protest letters on their way to every member of Congress, as well as Barack Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, and Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND who organized the effort, is calling for another 1 million in the next two weeks.

"There was immediate outrage about these enhanced security procedures that simply serve to harass travelers with little hope of stopping terrorists," said Farah. "But the hue and cry has subsided in the wake of new national security threats, debates about tax cuts and high jobless numbers. I just want to urge Americans to put a stake through the heart of these unconstitutional, warrantless searches at our airports while we have the chance."

The campaign allows individuals to send 537 protest letters to members of Congress, Obama and Napolitano for just $29.95 – far less than postage alone would cost for people to replicate the protest themselves.

"This works," explains Farah. "We actually deliver these messages with the help of FedEx – guaranteed. Just try doing this on your own. It's not possible."

The campaign is based on previously successful campaigns like the famous "pink slips" effort that delivered 9 million such protests earlier this year – letters that warned incumbent members of Congress what was eventually coming on Nov. 2.

"We've got Washington's attention right now," said Farah. "All we have to do is deliver the goods. We need another million letters going to Washington before Christmas."

The program is simple, fast and economical, says Farah. It allows individuals to send 537 letters to Barack Obama, Janet Napolitano and every members of Congress for a flat price of $29.95. To replicate such a feat without the program would cost more than $206 just for postage. But the campaign letters are not just mailed. They guaranteed delivered to congressional and other government offices by Fed Ex.

"Let's get the terror out of the airports," says Farah. "We're punishing the wrong people for the terror in our skies. We're punishing everyone for the sins of a few. This is absurd. There's bipartisan opposition to this program mounting in Congress. But, as always, Washington needs to know Americans are not just going to forget about this issue and move on to another."

WND simultaneously established a free online petition to these same officials.

"If $29.95 is not in your budget right now, at least sign the free petition," urges Farah. "I understand what politicians in Washington have done to our economy. But don't let them cow you into silence as they march us like sheep down the road to tyranny and degrading subjugation."

You can read the letter to see if you agree with the contents before shipping it off to 537 of the nation's decision-makers.

"I am urging Americans to stop acting like lemmings," said Farah. "This is not the American way. It's time to stand up to this abuse or worse will come from an out-of-control government."

Already, several members of Congress have criticized the new security arrangements, and Rep. Ron Paul has introduced legislation to stop it.

"But we can't afford to wait around for legislation to make its way through the Washington maze," said Farah. "I want to raise enough heat right now to force the Obama administration to back off."

Participate in the "Stop Airport Humiliation Campaign" now.

Dec. 10, 2010