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Reid Pledges to Transform Military Policy

Grassroots Action Alert - Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer

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From the Desk of: Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer Concerned Women for America

            Please forward this message to your friends and

            ask them to take action.  --Penny


Harry Reid just doubled down on his Lame Duck agenda, pledging to fulfill a long "to-do list". before we adjourn...

Right now, we are bracing for a major push to repeal the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy as a way to impose  the radical homosexual agenda on our society.

Sen. Levin is predicting that Democrats will get a vote thisweek, which leaves us little time.

Concerned Women for America just delivered a total of  32,161 "Stop the Reid-Pelosi Lame Duck Agenda" petitions to the Senate. Our team then delivered more than 11,000 personal letters from CWA team members to their senators and

other key senators.

But with Reid doubling-down on his agenda, I need your help  to do even more.


I'm asking you to call your two senators today and tell them you oppose the effort to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

1. I oppose the effort to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy as part of the Defense Appropriations bill.

2. Repealing DADT would weaken our military during a time  of war.

3. The Reid-Pelosi Lame Duck Congress should cease all

   efforts to pass controversial legislation that will

   divide our nation.

The battle over this policy is important not only for those serving our country in uniform, but also in a broader culturalsense. Activists know that if they can manipulate a policy change to force homosexuality into the military, it will raise issues that will lead to the ultimate goal of  overturning marriage and mandating same-sex benefits on private businesses.

On another key Lame Duck issue, we continue to monitor  closely the effort to confirm Robert Chatigny, the  "Roadside Strangler" Judge. The Senate Judiciary Committee has kept Chatigny at the top of its list for consideration.  I will keep you informed as news breaks.

Finally, please forward this message to your friends and  invite them to join you in signing our petition to stop  the Reid-Pelosi Lame Duck Agenda:

Thank you so much for taking action with CWA!

Penny Nance

Chief Executive Officer

+ + CWA In The News:

Conyers caught on plane; do we need a "PERV Act"?

Defund the Smithsonian!

Liberal group names CWA and others as "hate groups"


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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that  provides news, information and grassroots action services and strategies to individuals and organizations.

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Dec. 8, 2010