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Citizens for Health Urgent S. 510 Alert - Contact Your Representative

Citizens for Health

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Dear Citizen for Health,

Citizens for Health reported yesterday that the latest effort to pass S. 510, The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act could involve pushing the bill's language through the House by adding it to another bill as an amendment.

Guess what? That's exactly what is happening! Email your Representative NOW and tell him/her to vote "NO" on the amendment and kill S. 510!

As reported last week, S. 510 contains a provision that would allow the FDA to impose fees on importers and on companies whose food is recalled because of contamination, but the U.S. Constitution mandates that all revenue-raising measures must originate in the House.

This could have meant the end for this dangerous legislation, but the bill's proponents are pulling out all the stops in order to realize their goal - to further trample the rights and freedoms of anyone opposed to the industrial food orthodoxy and to enshrine big Agribusiness as the primary source of what ends up on your kitchen table.

According to the House calendar, today, December 8, they will be considering the "CR/Food Safety House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 3082 - Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011/FDA Food Safety Modernization Act". The bill's supporters are counting on this ploy because S. 510's language is attached to the bill that would authorize continued funding and functioning of the government.

We can't allow this "shell game" to succeed! Big Agribusiness is reeling from the impact thousands upon thousands of calls and emails from CFH supporters and other health freedom advocates have had on blocking passage of S. 510, and this latest trickery is an 11th-hour attempt to eliminate competition from small farms and local food producers. It's time for the knockout blow that will kill S. 510 once and for all!

Citizens for Health will continue to monitor the progress of S. 510 and alert you to any important developments as they happen. Meanwhile, waste no time - the House vote may be happening as you read this!
Do it now! Urge your Representative to oppose this amendment and ANY attempt to push through S. 510 as part of ANY bill.
Thanks to all of you who have been participating and helping to hold Congress accountable,

The Citizens for Health Team

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