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Letter I Sent to My Senators on Dec. 8, 2010

Scott Peden

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I sent the following email to my two US Senators today:

Dear Senator,

If you cut the FICA tax next year, the Republicans will have set another "trap," as they did in the tax cut for the rich. It will be impossible to raise it back next year.

Old people will begin to starve and die as they did before the 1930s. Social Security is the only income the majority of seniors have in this country.

Policies by our government leaders such as you have led to "free trade," resulting in jobs going after slave labor, child labor, prison labor, the lowest wages anywhere, and wiped out our manufacturing economy. Privatization of government has led to massive increases in income for the wealthy, poorer services for the masses, and fewer good jobs. Bailouts to Wall Street have further enriched the wealthy even as they indebted the working class.

I would like to see you stand up on your hind legs like a man, it is pathetic watching you on your knees grovelling for campaign financing from wealthy people and corporations that don't give a damn about this country or its people, other than selling them out with special tax breaks and access to the treasury.

Millions are losing their homes and jobs from policies our government and leaders like you have supported, as you concentrated corporate-viewpoint mass media to keep the masses ignorant, freed Wall Street from rules to hold it even somewhat accountable for its scams, and pushed any program to steal the last crust of bread from the hands of starving children to give it to billionaires for another dime in profit, the only thing these low lifes care about after inheriting from robber barons.

I voted for you but if you sell us out on this I am drawing the line. I am good at politics and will do everything I can to see you defeated when you run for reelection. I will not forget. Restore fairer taxes on the wealthy and vote against this compromise of President Obama and his Republican friends.

Dec. 8, 2010