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            As expected, Reid wants to ram another unwanted

            legislation package through the Senate during

            their lame duck session, knowing this may be

            his last chance for years! He will try with

            FOUR versions!

In typical Reid stealth fashion, none of his drafts of the DREAM Act were put through the normal legislative hearing  processes. Reid sidestepped the Senate Judiciary Committee,  and has proven once again that legislative processes and the wishes of the American people are meaningless to him.

            That is why it is imperative that grassroots

            Americans step up now and express their opinion

            on Reid's latest and most desperate attempt to

            grant amnesty to millions of illegal alien


            Reid will do anything necessary to see that

            this bill comes to the Senate floor. Time is

            now critical.  

Grassfire Nation has set up our "FaxFire" system to allow  citizens to express their views on Reid's plan to pass any  one of his four versions of the DREAM Act. This is your  opportunity to express the voice of "We The People" on this  issue. Tell your Senators how you feel about Reid's latest effort to push his amnesty agenda.

Go here right now to schedule your faxes:

            Our contacts suggest that there are a number of

            Republican fence sitters who haven't yet

            committed their voting intentions on the

            DREAM Act.

Using our convenient Faxfire system, you will quickly reach your two South Dakota Senators, Reid and other key lawmakers  whose votes could make or break the DREAM Amnesty Act! Please go here to schedule your faxes.

++ DREAM equals amnesty! 

The DREAM Act, in any version, is clearly an amnesty package  that covers "children" up to 35 years of age. It would grant amnesty to illegal aliens who have either graduated from  high school, earned their GED, or served in the military -- well into adulthood! 

The liberal media are already spinning Reid's amnesty package trying to create public sympathy. Don't buy the  lie!

            Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) immediately raised

            the warning flags. "This is not a good idea.

            It's not well written. It does far more than

            its supporters say. And it will create

            litigation in massive amounts that will

            disrupt the entire ability of immigration

            officials to do their jobs."

How bad must this bill be for Reid to stoop to such desperate measures?  His subversive tactics as long-term incumbent  Senator are all the more reason to believe that he learned  nothing from narrowly escaping defeat in November. He has  once again turned a deaf ear to the consent of the governed. 

This bill must be stopped!

Utilize our faxfire system to IMMEDIATELY deliver your message on the Dream Amnesty Act by sending a fax to your two Senators, Harry Reid and other key Senators.

            Time is of the essence! Reid is pushing the DREAM

            Amnesty Act toward a vote this week, if possible.

            Grassfire will deliver your faxes before any of

            these critical "test" votes.

If you prefer, you can also send the faxes on your own. We've made it easy for you to access our fax list and download our faxable letters. Just click below:

Reid knows that this is his best last chance to get amnesty legislation to the President's desk. Having already passed  through the House, Reid has plotted a strategy to move the  nightmarish amnesty bill through the still Democrat-controlled Senate. Please take action with us now.

Thank you,

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

P.S. After scheduling your faxes, please forward this message to 25-30 friends urging them to take action with you by clicking here:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a  million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.   Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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Dec. 2, 2010