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Bank Run Protest Spreads to USA

Chad Valenza

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Take action now against the very syndicate that ruined our economy and is at the heart of the decimation of the lower and middle class citizens of the USA.  

Here are the simple steps:

1)       Find a local bank or credit union that can handle your account.

2)       Close your existing account if it is at: Citibank, Wells Fargo, TD Bank, Chase, Bank of America, or any other Big Greed corporate bank.

3)       Deposit the funds in your new local bank or credit union.

4)       Repeat: Encourage the people you love to do the same.

5)       Then, stop using your credit cards when you buy goods, depriving Big Banking and Credit Card companies of 2.5 -" 3.5 % of the purchase amount.

Or, if you run a small business, announce and promote your willingness to give your customers a 5% discount for cash.

It doesn't end on December 7th.   Keep getting others to send the message only money can send to the Corporatocracy, "ENOUGH!"

Author's Bio: Chaz Valenza is writer and small business owner in New Jersey. He earned his MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business. His current feature film project is "Single Point Failure" an insider's account of how the Reagan Administration caused the greatest tragedy of the space age based on Richard C. Cook's book "Challenger Revealed." He is a former Director of Public Information for Planned Parenthood of NYC. His website is:

Nov. 23, 2010