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Obama/Reid Set to PUsh 'Lame Duck' Amnesty Plan !

Grassfire Nation Update

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But they don't care what "We The People" think!

The DREAM Act (now a stand-alone bill) is a cleverly cloakedamnesty package that covers "children" up to 35 years ofage. It would grant amnesty to illegal aliens who haveeither graduated from high school, earned their GED, or served in the military -- well into adulthood!

The liberal media are already hard at work trying to createpublic sympathy for Reid's Dream Amnesty bill. Don't buy thelie!

         Patrick H., Reid knows that this is his best last

         chance to get this legislation to the President's

         desk. Having already passed through the House,

         Reid needs only to plot a strategy to move the        

         nightmarish amnesty bill through the still Democrat-

         controlled Senate.

But he only has until the end of the Lame Duck session todo so.

         Can he do it?

         Our contacts suggest that there are a number of

         Republican fence sitters who haven't yet committed

         their voting intentions on the DREAM Act.

That's why it is imperative that grassroots Americans stepup and express their opinion on Reid's latest and most desperate attempt to grant amnesty to millions of illegalalien lawbreakers!

+ + Dream Act Battle Begins Next Monday!

We are bracing for Reid to reintroduce the DREAM Act immediately after the Thanksgiving break. And we want togreet his announcement with thousands of faxes to every member of the U.S. Senate expressing the voice of "We The People" on this issue.

            Grassfire Nation has set up a "FaxFire" program

            to deliver your message on the Dream Amnesty

            Act by fax to your two Senators, Harry Reid

            and other key Senators. Go here right now to

            schedule your faxes:

Using our convenient Faxfire system, you will quickly reachyour two South Dakota Senators, your Representative and thekey lawmakers whose votes could make or break the DREAMAmnesty Act!

             Grassfire will hold your faxes until

            that Monday after Thanksgiving so that the

            delivery of your fax message is timed with Reid's

            expected push of the DREAM Amnesty Act.

If you prefer, you can also send the faxes on your own. We'vemade it easy for you to access our fax list and download our faxable letters. Just click below:

Our goal is to unleash a sustained FAX blitz -- blanketing the Senate beneath a sea of faxes from citizens expressingtheir opinion on the DREAM Amnesty Act. So please schedule

Thank you once again for the stand you are taking as apatriotic citizen!

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

P.S. After scheduling your faxes, please forward this messageto 25-30 friends urging them to take action with you by clicking here:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a reaimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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+ +

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