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Ex-British MP George Galloway lashes out

RWIN BLOCK, The Gazette

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George Galloway. Blasts Ottawa for its policies on Israel and Afghanistan

Former British MP George Galloway lived up to his "controversial" reputation last night with a blistering attack on the Canadian government, its failed attempt to "muzzle" him, and its policies on Israel and Afghanistan.

Galloway kicked off his extemporaneous speech to 400 people at the Universite du Quebec a Montreal by thanking Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney for the "ridiculous ban" Canada imposed on him last year, based on Galloway's alleged support for terrorism.

That ruling, overturned by a Federal Court judge, has turned Galloway's books into bestsellers, Galloway boasted. It also extended his fame so his current tour of Canada includes 10 speeches and scores of media interviews.

That ban was based on Galloway's role in shipping five convoys of humanitarian aid to the Health Ministry in the Hamas ruled Gaza Strip.

"I am not now nor have I ever been a supporter of Hamas," Galloway said, adding that he had always opposed terrorism.

But since Hamas is the democratically elected government of 1.6 million Palestinians in Gaza, Galloway said he had no choice but to deal with it to channel that aid.

He described the Israeli-Palestinian dispute as "the centre of the confrontation between the Muslim and non-Muslim world."

"If there is no peace in Palestine there will be no peace in the Muslim world," he declared.

His denounced what he described as "concentration-camp" conditions in Gaza under the current Israeli blockade.

He contrasted Israeli settlements in the West Bank as actual cities, while thousands of Palestinians live in squalid refugee camps.

"People in the refugee camp in Jenin with the use of a telescope can actually see their own houses, their own gardens," he noted.

The answer to the conflict would be to allow "5 million" Palestinian refugees and their descendants to return to the homes and lands they had to leave in 1948 and 1967.

He called for "one democratic state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean, with equal rights for Jews, Muslims and Christians."

"The Palestinians decided long away they will not go into the museum of ex-nations," he said to broad applause.

On Afghanistan, Galloway said the war there is "doomed and disastrous" since Afghans have never accepted foreign occupation.

Changing the Canadian military role from combat to training next year, as the Harper government has declared, will not make them any less targets.

"How come the Afghans need so much training," he asked, suggesting Canadians will be training largely illiterate Afghan soldiers to "read and write so they can defect to the Taliban," which offers higher wages.

The way out is to negotiate with the Taliban to form a national unity government, he said.

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Nov. 18, 2010