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Stop the Drone Killings

Robert Greenwald

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Drone strikes and other extrajudicial killings outside of war zones are skyrocketing under the Obama Administration--and U.S. citizens are on the kill list.

That may sound too shocking to believe, but it’s true. It’s also completely unacceptable. Sign our petition urging President Obama to stop targeted killings beyond war zones and to demand transparency for how people end up on the kill lists.

These strikes are a real threat to your safety. Every time a civilian dies, we give al-Qaida a huge recruiting opportunity and validate their propaganda, and some estimates indicate that more than 90 percent of those killed are civilians. Because these strikes are carried out in secret, those who execute them do so with little or no accountability for the harm they cause to civilians and to our security.

Our new video shows the terrible impact of drone strikes and other extrajudicial killings, often taking place in support of the brutal, flailing war policy in Afghanistan. It shows that these strikes stoke popular anger against the U.S., and that extrajudicial killings without accountability are a basic threat to our democracy.

We’ve got to stop them.

Sign our petition and help us raise the alarm about the danger to U.S. citizens, at home and abroad, from unaccountable drone strikes and other extrajudicial killings.


Derrick Crowe, Robert Greenwald

and the Brave New Foundation team

P.S. If you haven't done so already, please join Rethink Afghanistan on FacebookTwitter. and Twitter.