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Joseph Farah: 'Shut down TSA abuse by Thanksgiving!'

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I have a plan to shut down the sexual and emotional abuse at our airport security checkpoints by Thanksgiving.

Is that a goal you can support?

It calls for a little sacrifice.

But constitutional liberties are worth more than a little sacrifice, are they not?

You might remember what we did last year with the "pink slips" campaign – when we flooded Capitol Hill with more than 9 million individual letters warning them of the impending election and how they would get permanent pink slips Nov. 2 if they continued in their profligate spending patterns.

It was historic. There has never been a letter-writing campaign to Congress like it.

You might also recall a similar campaign we waged a year earlier to freerailroaded Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. It was successful. Both men have been out of prison now for two years.

I believe we have another historic opportunity to end this needless harassment at airports because of the groundswell of public opinion that is with us.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Americans this week the show would go on. She told us to endure the "inconvenience" and urged full compliance.

In other words, she doesn't get it. She has no clue as to the deep-seated resentment and anger Americans are feeling with regard to this program.

That's not unusual for Napolitano, who has a tin ear politically. She has been forced to back down and apologize before. And she will again.

Help me build another historic letter-writing campaign – this time to every member of Congress, Barack Obama and Big Sis Napolitano. Let's flood them with letters this week and next and end this despicable program at our nation's airports before Thanksgiving.

Are you with me?

This program is an outrage. It's un-American. It's an infringement of constitutional rights. It's little more than an overt effort to condition people to being treated like cattle and accepting it.

We need to put our collective foot down right now.

Here's my plan: Take advantage of a new program I have established to inundate Barack Obama, Janet Napolitano and every member of Congress with complaint letters guaranteed to reach them through Fed Ex delivery; this is a tried-and-true program that only WND has ever managed to do. This program isn't free, but it's a bargain. If you tried to write to every member of Congress, postage alone would cost you hundreds of dollars. But we are able to deliver those messages more effectively, through Fed Ex, for only $29.95. Best of all, you can send these 537 messages to the most powerful people in Washington in about one minute of your time.

Children are being groped. Women are forced to virtually undress before strangers. It's sick. It's twisted. And it's unnecessary and foolish public policy.

Let the 537 most powerful people in Washington know what you think about the TSA's new screening procedures.

Let's stop this abuse before Thanksgiving!

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer


----- Original Message -----
From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 5:48 AM
Subject: Hey Napolitano, can you hear me now?