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Federal Health Care Nullification Act overturns nationalized health care

Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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a: directly overturn it via the "Federal Health Care Nullification Act".

According to TAC, seven states have already passed some sort of opposition or amendment to the health care bill, and three states currently have pending legislation in Congress. Another 17 states have introduced bills or amendments to oppose some or all of the tenets of the nationalized health care scheme, while eight others have had introduced legislation die in committee.

But most of these state amendments fall short of true nullification, according to TAC. In order to effectively overturn the unconstitutional federal takeover of both the health insurance industry and individual freedom of health choice, individual states must declare their sovereignty, the unconstitutionality of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act", and its invalid and unlawful status within those states.

According to the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, only those powers specifically delegated to federal government by either the people themselves or by the Constitution are valid. All other powers are held by the individual states and the people of those states.

"Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated," once said Thomas Jefferson.

TAC is urging citizens to present the "Federal heath Care Nullification Act" to their state Senators and Representatives ( and petition their support for it. The Center has included some helpful talking points (, and has even created a PDF brochure for download (

To learn more about The Tenth Amendment Center, visit:

Sources for this story include:

Nov. 5, 2010