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Citizen Mandate to the new Congress

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We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past -- when we let politicians go to Washington without holding them accountable every step of the way.

So today, we take the first step....

Grassfire Nation has made it possible for you to send your personal "Citizen Mandate" to members of the new Congress.

            Where do YOU stand on ObamaCare?

            Where do YOU stand on taxes and government spending?

            What are YOU, as a citizen, mandating from this

            new Congress?

Grassfire will compile the results of this nationwide "Citizen Mandate" and deliver them to members of the new Congress.

Go here to complete your Citizen Mandate for the new Congress:

+ + "We're not done"

We cannot allow members of the new Congress to forget for a moment why they got elected. There is one reason and one reason only: to roll back Big Government and restore liberty in our land!

That's why I just completed my "Citizen Mandate," detailing where I personally stand on ObamaCare, taxes, government spending, socialism and other key issues.

The results from these Citizen Mandates will be sent to my new Congressman, my two Senators and other key members of the new Congress.

The Citizen Mandate will also help our staff at Grassfire Nation identify the top priorities of our team members. By completing the Citizen Mandate, you will be telling us


            Do you want to stop the Obama tax increase?

            Let us know.

            Do you think ObamaCare must be repealed as the

            first priority? Tell us.

            Do you want to see Big Government reduced

            immediately? We need to hear from you.

Go here to complete your "Citizen Mandate." There is no cost and it takes just a few minutes:

Again, history was made on Election Night. You "flipped" the House! But in order to truly restore liberty and limited government, WE THE PEOPLE must stay engaged every step of the way. The next crucial step is right now!

Send your "Citizen Mandate" to the new Congress now.

And thanks for the stand you are taking.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

Send Your Citizen Mandate To The New Congress:

Election Results And Conservative Social Networking:


+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 10:24 PM
Subject:  Citizen Mandate to the new Congress