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Open Letter to the New 112th Congress

Rocky Montana

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U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and that it WILL NOT be business as usual anymore.  We are awake, we are watching you and we will not forget your words and actions--good or bad.

We-The-People (your employer): 

Demand that you, our new Congress, begin the task of repealing all unconstitutional laws made over the past 100 years starting with 'Obamacare', then overturning the repeal of 'The Glass-Steagle Act', and ending with the repeal of 'The Federal Reserve Act' and 'The United Nations Constitution'.
Demand of Congress that they pass no more unconstitutional laws, period!
Demand of Congress to pass legislation that states something like this: "The consideration of or voting for any unconstitutional law in the future will be viewed as an act of treason of the united states of America.   'Acts of Treason':  Any and all treasonous conspirators who attempt the passage of any law that does not conform to the United States Constitution, from this time forward, shall be stripped of their governmental title(s), position(s), salaries and pensions, and barred for life from holding any future government position within the united states of America or the United States, as well as be fined a monetary amount befitting their traitorous act(s), minimum $100,000 and/or prison.  All proceeds of 'Acts of Treason' will go into an account to fund a 24/7, citizen watch-dog group to keep an eternal watch over both houses of Congress."   
Demand of our Congress that there shall be no more voting by stealth; within the Senate or House of Representatives--that is the passing of laws in the middle of the night, on Christmas eve, etc. by a handful of traitorous conspirators.  Failure to do this in the future will be viewed as an act of treason (see Acts of Treason above), and the bill in point shall become null and void.  This is how 'The Federal Reserve Act' was illegally passed and how 'The Glass-Steagall Act' was illegally repealed, both of which have wrecked our nation and made bond slaves out of every man, woman and child.  
Demand of our Congress that there shall be no more voice votes within the Senate and House of Representatives; all voting shall be electronic and captured on video cameras (CSPAN or equivalent) and the results recorded and published in the Congressional Record, for all to see, for all-time. Failure to do this in the future will be viewed as an act of treason (see Acts of Treason above), and any bill voted on by voice vote shall is null and void.  Make it clear to Congress that the United States Constitution (not the United Nations Constitution) is THE SUPREME LAW OF THIS LAND.

We-The-People ARE NOT a colony of Great Britain and We WILL NOT be ruled by a "New World Order". 

We-The-People are a nation of sovereign citizens of the united states of America.  We are a free people; a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people, under the rule and laws of our Creator God.  So be it. 

Readers:  This period, between now and January 3, 2011 when the 112th Congress assumes office, is the most appropriate time for you and me to let our Congressional representatives know what we expect of them.  Therefore, I urge you to send this message, add to this message, or your send your own message to your representatives of the new 112th Congress.  Let them know that We are as serious as cancer and if they don't perform as We wish and as the Constitution mandates, they had better find a new job.  Because if we don't do this, they will never know what We-The-People REALLY want them to do for us (their employer) and We will get what We have always gotten--the shaft.

Rocky Montana

Nov. 3, 2010