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Zan One Man Demonstration

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I have people to video the event but still need one or more people to demonstrate on the sidewalk in front of the theater.  Holding placards.
The problem is that I have a VIP ticket and will be going into the theater for the pre show reception at 3 PM and the show at 5 (to ask a question in the Q&A).  I need someone to "hold the fort" outside. I will be there as the crowd leaves.
If you are convinced that Muslims did not do 9/11, If you are convinced that Israel and its worldwide supporters, including Americans, made 9/11 happen, PLEASE HELP!
Here is the original appeal for help:
This is an appeal from Zan Overall for help in mounting  an informational demonstration a week from Sunday, promoting the idea that "Israel--Not Islam--Did 9/11."
On Sunday, October 17th, four KRLA talk show hosts will be on stage at the Alex Theatre in Glendale, California, discussing current events.  They will include Michael Medved, Dennis Miller and Dennis Prager. They are all "conservatives"

but, like their "progressive" colleagues, they all bamboozle their flocks (of "sheeple") with the official lie of 9/11:

"Muslim hijackers did 9/11."  That lie has angered the normally quiescent "sheeple" and sent them off fighting Israel's enemies in the Mideast.

I mounted such a one-man demonstration last year on the sidewalk in front of the theatre. It was videoed and made its way around the world.  David Icke, Christopher Bollyn and other people put it on their websites.  To view the video,

google my name "Zan Overall." You will find an item called "You Tube - Zan One Man Demonstration."

If you don't find that easily you could enter:
I would like to have a few more people with me, displaying placards, passing out material.  As edited, the video does not show any of the friendly contacts and the some sixty 4 page flyers I distributed.  Most important, I need one or more people with video cameras.  (A man in a long white shirt is saying to me in the video that he has a right to express himself as he chooses as I have a right to express myself as I choose. The video did not catch and does not show what he did a few minutes earlier.  This man grabbed my signs, tried to destroy them and threw them on the ground. I should have had him arrested.  If anyone does anything similar this year I will call the police.)
If you will help, let me know as soon as possible by email. I will provide signs and flyers.  To maintain a unified approach, I will ask that you use only my signs and flyers.
I will send this appeal to Muslim groups and Palestinian supporters in Los Angeles.  They are the ones who have been slandered. They are the ones whose friends and families have been murdered on the basis of the 9/11 lie.
Please distribute this appeal widely.  Thank you, Zan Overall.