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Press Release: October 4, 2010: Lakin Retains New Legal Counsel

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ill continue seamlessly as the new attorney prepares for trial.

The website of the Foundation is being re-designed to reflect this new focus and emphasis. Contrary to the impression left by some blogs and internet commentary, LTC Lakin is consistent in continuing on the same path that he announced publicly six months ago when he released his first YouTube video-- and consistent with his military training, to continue to request assurance from Pentagon leadership that his military orders, including his deployment orders to Afghanistan, are legal-- authorized at the highest level by a Commander-in-Chief who is Constitutionally eligible, per Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution. As a medical officer and not a lawyer or Constitutional scholar, LTC Lakin is not laying claim to be the sole arbiter of the President's Constitutionality in attempting to determine, without any genuine evidence to make such a determination, the President's "natural born" citizen status. The burden of proof rests solely on Barack Obama to demonstrate to the American people and to the U.S. Armed Forces that he commands, that he is lawfully serving in his current capacity as head of the Executive Branch of the federal government.

The Army prosecutors have made this determination of the Commander-in-Chief's eligibility under the Constitution impossible-- by denying discovery- and essentially denying LTC Lakin the customary due process rights that defendants in American courts enjoy when facing criminal charges, and in LTC Lakin's case, a jail sentence of several years at Fort Leavenworth prison.

The Foundation is pleased to continue to support LTC Lakin, a decorated and outstanding officer with 18 years of service in the Army, as he persists in his pursuit of the truth, the rule of law, and in support of his sworn oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Terry is gratified by the many people who have stayed in constant touch with him through the website and deeply appreciates their support, their guidance and suggestions, and their prayers.

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For further information, Contact: Margaret Hemenway (202) 725-7659