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Response to article: 'Manufacturing Consent For Attack On Iran - Obama Pressed to Weigh Iran Strike'

Rocky Montana

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When Americans elect Jewish Senators and Congressmen, and when Presidents appoint Jewish advisors, such as Rahm Emanuel, we and they are appointing people in powerful positions who have allegiance to Israeli government policies and military war plans, and have the ability to exert great pressure on our government.  This kind of foreign influence is how the Israeli government (who are in truth, God-less British-Zionists) coerces the U.S. military to fight their wars.  Did Iraq declare war on the United States of America?  NO!  Did Afghanistan declare war on the United States of America?  NO!  The U.S. government declared war of them under flimsy excuses that have never been justified.  Can you tell me why so many Iraqis had to die?  Can you me why our military has been killing Afghan people for the past 8 years?  You must open your eyes and see what is occurring!  We Americans are living in the lie, denying the truth of these heinous acts against mankind, while our military are being used as mindless pawns in this evil game.  The Israeli Mossad (Israeli government's secret army of thugs) engineered conditions in which to fool the American people into war while the British-Zionist Senators, Congressmen, and presidential advisors pressured our government into attacking those countries under FALSE pretenses.  The U.S.A. and the U.S. military is being used and has become the aggressors of peaceful countries.  The Israeli, British-Zionist goal is the subjugation of all middle east countries, for oil and other resources, and for the subjugation of those countries as well as population control.  The good old USA is doing the bidding of children of Satan, and thus, we are being made to commit great acts of evil upon our fellow man!  If we do not turn from this evil course, God of Light will turn away from us, and the U.S.A. will be no more. 

The smartest thing I have seen President Obama do is to fire Rahm Emanuel in the past week.  The smartest thing Americans can do on November 2, 2010 is to fire all Jewish Senators and Congressmen; fire all Socialist-Democrat Senators and Congressmen and fire all attorneys, who are elected Senators and Congressmen, (except for U.S. Constitutional attorneys) who are running for re-election.  Why do I pick on attorneys?  Because they have a secret loyalty to the Crown of England through the BAR.  All Americans who love and care for the U.S.A. and our way of life must raise our voice against planned attacks on other countries, such as Iran, a peaceful nation who has done nothing against America.  Remember that Iranians, Iraqis and Afghanistanis are our brothers and sisters, and that WE ARE ALL ONE, within God of Light.  We must come together as One People of God, against the merchants of death, and say: NO MORE WAR!   

Original article below.

Manufacturing Consent For Attack On Iran - Obama Pressed to Weigh Iran Strike

Senator Joe Lieberman, Congressman Howard Berman say US must put time limit on sanctions


By Yitzhak Benhorin / September 30, 2010

WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama is under pressure to consider a military strike on Iran, according to the Financial Times.

Both Senator Joe Lieberman and Howard Berman, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, have urged the president to consider setting a time limit of just a few months on the effectiveness of the most recent sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic for its nuclear advances.

"Our goal here is to convince Iran to stop its nuclear weapons development program by economic and diplomatic means if we can but (to make clear) that we are prepared to use military means if we must," Lieberman told the Financial Times.

The senator added that the Obama Administration must reevaluate its policy at the end of the year and adopt a tougher stance if necessary. He called the sanctions "biting", but said he doubted they would cause Iran to negotiate its nuclear program with the West.

Howard Berman told the publication that the administration had "months, not years" to make sanctions work and that a military operation was preferable to a nuclear Iran.

But the Obama Administration is still basking in the afterglow of its victory with Tupraz, a Turkish energy company that ceased refined oil sales to Iran due to sanctions. Next week a US delegation will visit China in an effort to convince Beijing not to fill the newly created void.

And on Thursday the US placed the Swiss-based Naftiran Intertrade Company, a subsidiary of Iran's national oil company, on a financial blacklist and claimed success in persuading several European energy firms to divest from the country.

Rocky Montana