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Is G.O.P. Pledge "Socialism Lite"?

Grassfire Nation Update

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We want you to hear a special report Steve Elliott and Ron De Jong recorded on the House G.O.P.'s "Pledge to America":

In this report, Steve and Ron dissect the "Pledge" and ask some really tough questions...

       ++Why is the G.O.P. calling for a return to

         "pre-stimulus" government spending levels, when

         those levels gave us $450 billion in annual

         deficits and created the $100+ trillion in

         unfunded liabilities?

       ++Why is the G.O.P. proposing a new government

         "agenda" when what we really need is less "agenda"

         from government?

       ++Why is the G.O.P. pledging to "make the decisions

         that are necessary to protect our entitlement


       ++How come the G.O.P. is only wanting to prevent

         "the expansion of unfunded liabilities" instead

         of pledging to reduce this $130 trillion deficit?

       ++Why is the G.O.P. proposing to repeal ObamaCare

         and then replace it with it's own version that

         will swap out the individual mandate for an

         equally unconstitutional insurance company mandate?

In short, does the G.O.P. get it? Or is what they are proposing socialism "lite"?

We credit Andrew McCarthy's piece in the National Review for raising many of these questions (see link below to McCarthy's article). Please go here for our special report:

+ + Why We Must Stand On Principles

The G.O.P.'s "Pledge" makes it clear that grassroots patriots must be vigilant to stand on principle. This is precisely why Grassfire Nation launched our nationwide "Flip This House 2010" campaign. FLIP This House clearly lays out the principles and plan needed to get our nation back on track.

Now, we need your help.

As you know, we are asking our Grassfire Nation friends to help take the FLIP message to their communities by HOSTING or SPONSORING a FLIP Event.

At last count, 41 local FLIP events have been confirmed and our staff is working to confirm hundreds more that have yet to be finalized.

            We urgently need SPONSORS who will help another

            Grassfire Nation member host an event.

Go here to SPONSOR:

            We still are looking for more HOSTS who will

            take the FLIP message to their communities.

Go here to HOST:


Based on the G.O.P.'s own "Pledge to America," one must wonder... do they get it? Do they really understand what is at stake and what it will take to roll back Big Government socialism?

We must stand on principle.

That's why our FLIP home events are so important.


Go here to SPONSOR:

Or go here to HOST:

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

For more on the "Pledge to America", read Andrew McCarthy's

analysis in National Review:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that i  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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+ +

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 1:18 PM
Subject: Is G.O.P. Pledge "Socialism Lite"?