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Is anti-American rhetoric really, well… anti-American?

Von Helman

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The USA is no different when it comes to this discord, especially today with all the political division that’s taken place. More Americans (and even foreigners) are proclaiming shame and anger towards the US government with calls for accountability, reform, and even some for revolution.

I can say my personal list of disdain for the US Federal Government and their actions would be so voluminous that it would crash even the largest server, or take so much paper that it would deplete the Pacific Northwest’s abundance of trees. But I also have to admit I have a certain disdain for the apathy that many Americans have. They mill through life thinking somehow, some way, things will get better or someone else will solve their problems, especially after they witness the consequences of their current politicians in DC, regardless of party affiliation, and more so with the current congress, and the clowns running it.

Call me unpatriotic or “Anti-American” but I haven’t voted in many years and have no desire to. I simply don’t want to feed into a system that is to broken to be fixed by any one candidate or one party.

I refuse to align myself with any one party or movement for that same broken reason, nor will I financially support any party or cause because the system itself is too big and corrupt for any one person to make a change.

For me personally, the sure sign the USA has lost its way, is when someone as clueless as Sara Palin can have the support and votes of a large block of people to become an elected official. What's worse yet is that there are people and organizations who actually pay her to speak. I personally know many people out there who will speak the truth for free, and not fall victim to whoring themselves out to the media circuit for money and popularity. I have nothing against Mrs. Palin as a person, but as an elected official I think she's wading into water way over her head, while currently riding a wave of misguided popularity that’s been caused by the discord between the American people and their government.

Now, if you want to see me at the voting booth, then let there be an election referendum to replace the current government in its entirety. Let that vote then be a prelude to voting on replacing the current hijacked government with the original republic for which it once stood, one nation under God with principals, honor, and integrity. Let the people speak and let the current government listen for once, which it will, if that government is half as noble as it proclaims to be. Let there be a vote! If not, then I think the only resolution will be a revolution, and nobody wants that, but that’s what always eventually happens when the people decide not to take anymore from their current corrupt government.

Now how does questioning, or demanding your government do the right thing, ever constitute being “Anti- American”?

Editorial by Von Helman

Sept. 30, 2010

Sept. 30, 2010