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That's why it is vital you sign this petition to your senators DEMANDING they vote against HR 2454, the so-called Cap and Trade Bill, or any other Cap and Tax legislation.

After you sign, please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty to get more folks in this fight. Campaign for Liberty operates as government should, meaning we will not go into debt. We are entirely dependent on your ongoing financial support.

"Stop Cap and Tax!"
Petition to the U.S. Senate

Whereas:   Passage of the so-called Cap and Trade Bill would increase taxes by $650 BILLION per year, virtually guaranteeing that our economy gets even worse and NEVER recovers; and

Whereas:   The resulting toll on our economy has been estimated at more than one million lost jobs; and

Whereas:   The result will be more government interference in business, and more power to decide which businesses get favorable treatment; and

Whereas:   This bill is yet another forcible taking of our personal freedom by allowing for home inspections and monitoring of private citizens; and

Whereas:   Passage of so-called Cap and Trade would give the federal government unprecedented control over our lives;

Therefore:   I urge you to vote against HR 2454, the so-called Cap and Trade bill, or any other Cap and Tax legislation, at every opportunity, including voting to maintain a filibuster.

Please submit the information below to sign the petition.
          Copies will be faxed to your senators.

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Email Address:*

Sept. 27, 2010