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CFIC ALERT! Sen. Tom Duane to Reintroduce Flu Vaxcinne for Healthcare Workers

Heather Walker

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I am sending this update on an article printed in Sunday, September 10, 2010- NY Daily News and the Epoch Times. 
Please read the following articles: 
Senator Duane would like to reintroduce a law requiring flu vaccinations for all healthcare workers. At the present time there is not a mandate for healthcare workers to be vaccinated with the seasonal flu shot. And to my present knowledge no facility in New York has adapted the requirement at the present time.
Now is the time to take action. Senator Tom Duane is the Chairman of the Senate Health Committee and he holds influence on the Senate Health Committee. This issue is not going away by any means. The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) has made the formal recommendation that ALL Healthcare workers be vaccinated annually for influenza. Please read:
 Immediate actions to take:
1. If you are a healthcare worker represented by a union, contact your union representative and express your concerns.
2. Contact your NY state Assemblyman and Senator requesting their stance on mandatory flu vaccines for healthcare workers.  
3. Alert other individuals in your facility and organize. 
4. A stamped letter to Senator Tom Duane expressing your concerns.
Senator Duane's Contact info:
District Office Contact information:
322 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1700

New York, NY 10001

(212) 633-8052 Fax: (212) 633-8096

Albany Office Contact information:
Room 430

State Capitol Building

Albany, NY 12247

(518) 455-2451 Fax: (518) 426-6846 

Thank you and please contact me for further concerns and feedback from your legislators. 
Heather Walker

Sept. 25, 2010