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Senators: Do Not Rush S.3767 to a Vote!

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The Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™

Senate Judiciary Committee:

Please Do Not Rush S.3767 to a Vote

For more than a year, the plan to capture – and kill – clean, local, organic, independent and safe farming and ranching has been wending its way through Congress. Last year, the devastating HR.2749 passed the House of Representatives, without criminal penalty language and with a very weak farm to consumer exemption. Although Health and Food Freedom advocates put up a good battle, delaying this bill for quite a while, it was passed to the US Senate, where, as S.510, it waited from July '09 through mid-November '09 to be considered by the Senate HELP (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions) Committee. Over one memorable November '09 weekend hundreds of thousands of contacts were made with Senators and the bill did not move, not until August 2010 when it was reported out, without any language meeting the Food Freedom Citizens Petition, which, while opposing any Federal "food safety" takeover, demanded protection for all -

[Requested Provision] “Rule of Interpretation – No provision of this act shall be deemed to apply (a) to any home, home-business, homestead, home or community gardens, small farm, organic or natural agricultural activity, (b) to any family farm or ranch, or (c) to any natural or organic food product, including dietary supplements regulated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.”

With at least one Senator (Dr. Tom Coburn, OK) refusing to agree that this highly controversial bill should be considered by the parliamentary maneauver of "unanimous consent" as a "noncontroversial bill, it apprears S.510 may be permanently stalled.

But the current session of Congress is not over yet and just a few days ago, in an unusual move this late in the session, another fake "food safety" bill, S.3767 was introduced in the Senate, calling for a major change in US criminal law, punishing by up to ten years in jail anyone who "knowingly" introduces "misbranded" foods into interstate commerce. While in the past, unscrupulous businesses could be punished for intentionally selling adulterated foods, extending the criminal law this far is unprecedented.

And what exactly is "misbranded" food? It certainly is food that is mislabeled, but under government interpretation of the law, it is also a food with what the FDA or FTC decides later were unsubstantiated claims. Your local health food store is at risk from this law that would criminalize commercial speech about food.

Rumor in Washington DC is that S.3767 will be rushed through the Senate Judiciary Committee and onto the Senate floor, where it will be amended to add to it the language of the S.510 (or efven the long-discredited S.3002) as a way of makring an end-run around the opposition.

We say this is too serious a matter to be pushed through what is increasingly a "lame-duck" Congress. Issues such as this should be debated, considered and decided by the newly elected Congress which may have a greater degree of public trust than the current Congress.

If you agree, please use the form below to tell your Senators and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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Natural Solutions Foundation

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Sept. 23, 2010